Secondary Virginity


God is good. God is gracious. God is so good and gracious and MERCIFUL that He not only gives, but encourages secondary virginity. Just because you have already had sex does not mean that you’re forever doomed to live in promiscuity and shame! God doesn’t want that for any of us, no matter what the sin is. Here are the steps to reclaiming your virginity:

† 1) Acknowledgment of Sin

Accept the blame for falling into sin, realize that sex before marriage IS a sin (along with other stuff that goes with sex - making out, etc). This takes a lot of guts, but you can do it and God is waiting. 

† 2) Apologize for Sin

To receive God’s mercy we have to ask for it. He DIED ON THE CROSS, A BRUTAL, BLOODY DEATH JUST SO YOU COULD HAVE LIFE! No sin is too great to be forgiven! What are you waiting for!?!?! Go to Confession!!!!  :) 

† 3) Accept Responsibility

Not only do you have to accept responsibility for the sin itself, but also the consequences that follow. If a baby is created, GOD LOVES THAT BABY! Just as much as He loves you... it may not be easy to deliver the baby when that pregnancy becomes a physical sign of sin, but the baby is a result of love – God’s love. Seek help from a counselor or church. True sorrow for sins leads to full acceptance of consequences (good or bad) and a baby may be the most BEAUTIFUL, INNOCENT blessing to either you or an adoptive family.  

† 4) The past is history.

Don’t dwell on that sin, that mistake. Move on and realize that God has forgiven you. Look ahead, not back. Accept the forgiveness God offers and reclaim your virginity with a renewed commitment to uphold God’s teaching - not because it’s any easier (it’s not), but because YOU LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES YOU! AMEN! 



If anyone has a testimony they would be willing to share, please email and we would be glad to post it on this page. Names can be omitted, but we do retain the rights to edit for content and form! :) 


Take me home!