
The Day After
by Bluesky

The night after a holiday gathering. Ray V. and Ben at the family home. Full house. Sneaking around.

It was dark. Well, it was night. 3:23 to be precise. The time of night when most persons were ether fast asleep, or when troubled souls faced the blackest part of the night.

Ben Sighed. The couch was lumpy, itchy, and he would have much preferred to sleep on the floor, but Rays mom would not hear of it. So he was a good Monty. Besides, he was not planing on spending the complete night on the couch.

The Mounty listened. No noises that would indicate that any one was awake. Even Definbaker was asleep. Silent, slipping past the deaf wolf, he worked his way up the steps, to Rays room.

The worst part. Slipping past Francine room. If he was discovered at this point, he could claim that he was heading to the bathroom, but once past that door, he would have no cover, or excuse. The woman had ears like a bat. He moves as stealthily as he could. At last. Rays room. The Door Squeaked, and Ben made a mental note to correct the problem tomorrow.

Ray was asleep. Hands behind his head, on his back, a smile on his face. Light from the window spilled over him, casting into sharp relief his features, not cute, not sweet, but rugged, and dear, and most important.. his. He observed his lover, sleeping for long moments.

How often had he stolen such glances? Watched him on stake outs? as they drove in his Riviera? Looked at him when he thought that Ben was sleeping, when he was in the hospital, after being shot?that is when he realized that he loved him. It took being shot. It took being shot for Ray to realize that he ... well wanted Ben. the weeks that they shared a room. Well,. Familiarity breeds. One night, just before they were to be discharged, Ray without a word, had entered Ben's bed, and wordless, they had shared that night, holding fast, stolen HR. slipping back before the nurse hand come to do rounds. That had been the pattern, not spoken of. Not analogized in daylight. Holding hands. No kissing, or sex. Just comfort. Reassurance that they had not lost each other.

The idea of watching him in the night, was appealing, but he had more pressing things that he wished to do.

Lovers. Lovers did more than what they had done. Hell, the word was almost spoken as a joke, or tossed in at random times, infrequent as rainbows, as unexpected as ..... well, he had nothing to compare it to. Just a look. A random touch. The nights that he had spent wrapped around him, cuddled in his arms, fingers laced, face pressed agents the thin muscular back, nose filled with the male sent, the whisper of Armenia, and shampoo, and him.

That had been months ago. No opportunity had come up, to talk about the forbidden, or to broach the need for touch. Things had happened. Ben could feel Ray pulling away. He was going to have to go back North, at least for a bit, but he needed ... wanted to make this clear.

He loved Ray. Would die for Ray. And Ray would die for him.

Ben slid into the bed, and into the notch under rays arm. The bullet wound had healed, but he was careful to stay on the side that he had not been shot on. Slowly, he lowered his head to the sleepers chest, and slid his arm around his waist. Like they had done before.

Ray woke up. Ben could tell, the change in the heart beating,breathing, the slight jolt of awareness. An arm came down from behind his head, and encircled Ben, petting the soft thick pelt of his hair.

Silk PJ. Ben rubbed his head agents the silk covered flesh of his chest. He felt unfinished, in his red long johns, practical, but hardly the thing to go calling in with plans of seduction. He was sure that Ray would understand. Man to man, the thin hospital robes had been even less. But this was the closest thing that Ray could come up with to try and make the connection, the ones that words would not allow.

Rays nipple hardened under his cheek, and on impulse he kissed it, dry and soft through the silk. A soft moan, deep breath. Teeth scraping along the nipple brought a gasp, and the arm around him tightened.

Encouraged, he brought up his hand and found the other nipple, and stroked, touched, then pinched. He was almost bucked off, and would have been tossed to the floor, if not for the arm around him.

Ray kissed him. It was all that he had dreamed of. Firm, demanding, commanding. He had had the lips just one before, on the verge of death and ending, and now he had them once more. He was melting.

Ben might have started this, but Ray was now taking charge. His hands were sure, and firm, and gentle, and strong, going for hot spots that Ben had only dreamed of, places of passion that had been awakened, then dash out with Victoria. Ben whimpered into Rays mouth. Sure fingers arousing and commanding him.

Sensory overload. He was not sure just when he was eased over onto his belly, and the drop panel of his long john was undone. A pillow was under his hips, and strong hands were parting his ass, gentle finger exploring, mastering him, penetrating, lubricating, preparing him. For a moment, a heart beat.. Ben was filled with panic, doubt, fear, a touch of pain, till...

OH OH Dear! Magic fingers had found a magic spot. He had been unaware till this moment that any thing could feel quite this good. Sobbing into the pillow clutching it as though to save his soul, he bucked back into the hand and fingers that were penetrating, preparing him, opening him for ....

Rays hand slid under Ben's hips, grasping his weeping needing erection. He could feel Rays need, sliding over his ass, rocking back and forth, slipping teasing over the waiting ready opening. He was waiting for something.. What?

"Please... " It took a moment for Ben to realize that the word came from his mouth.

"Please what?"

"Please Yes."


And Ray slid slowly into Ben, working his cock into the tight passage kissing and biting his neck to distract him from pain, and build the passions bonfire higher.

They both knew when the magic spot was reached. A part of Ben knew the technical name, prostate, but he had been unaware of the possibilities of power that it had.

It was all that Ray could do just to hold on. Ben's gyrations and movement was sufficient to bring both of them to a shuddering orgasm, Long practice and schooling of both men were almost noiseless in completion, muffled moans hid in fabric and bedding.

Long moments passed. Reality set in. Without a word, just scruffing Ben's hair, Ray left and went to the bathroom.

When it was Ben's turn,he kissed Ray on the forhead,used the bathroom, and unsure of his welcome, and knowing that the household would be up soon, he returned to his solitary couch.

Definbaker Was still asleep. That was one good thing. He did not wish to explain himself to the wolf just yet. He still had not explained it to himself.