
by Gilda Lily

A cold wind blows through the spartan apartment. There is no sound. Everything is gray: walls, floor, ceiling. The photographs on the trunk are faded sepia. The sky is slate-gray outside the windows. Then the sound of footsteps on the stairs can be heard. The door is flung open and the beloved voice says, "Hey, Benny! You and the furball ready to go eat?"

The room is suddenly awash in color: warm yellows, greens, and reds as the Mountie comes out in his flannel shirt and jeans to face the slender man in the dark-green coat. Yellow is the color of the sunshine that the Italian brings to this place. "Yes, Ray," comes the soft reply with a twinkle in blue eyes, and Mountie and wolf follow the Italian out of the apartment. The colors fade as the door closes behind them.