
Friday Late Night
by Gilda Lily

The glow of the TV plays over the figures on the couch. The satiric barbs of David Letterman fill the room, engendering appreciative

audience laughter. Two half-empty glasses of Pepsi are set on the coffee

table next to a yellow plastic bowl of potato chips. Long, slender legs stretch out, the stockinged feet propped on the table. The second pair of legs, sturdy and encased in jeans, are stretched out on the couch as Benny is, his dark-haired head nestled in Ray's lap. Ray's right arm is draped over the broad chest, dark lashes of closed eyes gently curved over olive cheeks. Ray's head droops, his sensuous lips inches from his beloved's rosy ones.
The audience laughs again. Dief is sitting at rapt attention in back of the coffee table and next to Ray's legs. Applause rolls out over the room.
