kerry-mistletoe.html Mistletoe

by Kerry Nancarrow

Fraser pushed a protesting Ray through the door of his office.

"Benny I don't have time for this!"

"Well it'll only take a minute Ray."

"No! I have to get back. Welsh is gonna kill me."

Benny looked serious. "I'm sure a law enforcement officer of Lieutenant Welsh's standing would hardly be likely..."

"You do this every time Benny!"

"Do what Ray?"

"You drag me in here, get me all hot and bothered and then it's my ass that gets kicked at the precinct when I'm late."


Ray lowered his voice. "You're insatiable."

"Insatiable?" Benny growled the word as a passer by in the corridor glanced in.

Ray frowned and shut the door behind him. "Look Benny, I really do have to go."

"I just wanted to show to you my Christmas decorations."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

Ray looked around the room. There was a ratty looking tinsel bow stuck to the filing cabinet."You Canadians really know how to pull out all the stops for the festive season huh?"

Benny sank back into his chair with faint smirk. His lips were slightly parted and his legs spread casually. He looked... open.

"What?" asked Ray.

"There is further decoration."


Swivelling back and forth in the chair Fraser raised his eyebrows and nodded toward the desk.

Puzzled, Ray stepped around and checked. "I don't believe you! Fraser! What the hell is that?"

He was trying to sound annoyed but Benny could hear the depth in his voice.

"It's mistletoe. Well actually it's a cheap plastic imitation of mistletoe however..."

"I know what it is! Why is it hanging under your desk?"

"I would have thought that someone with your experience in Christmas traditions would be aware of the significance of mistletoe Ray."

"Yes I am aware of its significance but..."

He trailed off as with one hand Benny began to unbutton red serge. Ray moved closer and leaned forward, grasping the arms of the chair. He peered doubtfully under the desk. "It looks pretty claustrophobic under there."

"You'll have to be a brave detective then," said Benny, reaching up for a long kiss.

"Ray?" Benny murmured, his mouth full of Vecchio.

"Hmmm?" Ray didn't pull away.

"The mistletoe is waiting."

Ray leant back, glancing downwards. "Yeah. I think it's not the only thing that's waiting."

"Well no. Did you lock the door?"


Ray crawled in under the desk, sighing. "The things I do for you, Benny."

"They're not unappreciated Ray."

Ray looked up at him, face filled with sincerity."I know," he said simply.

Fraser slid forward in his seat and closed his eyes.
