These are just a few of the wonderful place you can visit on the web. I will be adding more as I find them. I hope you find them as useful as I have. Enjoy! The best place on the net for books, movies, software and a whole lot more. Great prices and very reliable.  
Domestications- Great place for household items such as linens, bedding, and much more. Excellent prices, too!  
Lillian Vernon- Excellent place for holiday and personalized gifts. Lots of great gifts for children.  
Ross-Simons- If your looking for china, silverware or dinnerware this is the place to go. Great sale prices!  
iVillage- A wonderful place for women to find out anything about everything. I have found this place the most helpful of any other place on the web. You can find information about anything here!  
Hotbar- Liven up your browser with a skin from Hotbar.  
Greater Good- If you shop online, why not have some of your money go to charity and it doesn't cost you a thing! They have many retailers and charities to choose from.  
Ulead- They make the best image editor on the market. And many other great products too!  
    Below you will find some of the best graphic designers around. Many offer linkware, as well as, graphics, backgrounds, fonts, and much, much more. You won't be disappointed!!    
Angel's Web Graphics! Bejewelled! Digital Attitudes! Fullmoon Graphics! 

Glorious Creations! Got Graphics? HMG Designs! Laurie's Graphics! 

Moonlight Designs! Triple Orbit Graphics! Web Elegance! Lissa Explains it all! 

Set City! Sharp Studio! SubDesigns! Stephanie's 

Page Works!

Join the Cyber Crew! Know your R.I.G.H.T.S.! Web Prestige! Keep spiders out! 

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