After receiving many awards of our own, we decided to give awards ourselves. We know how much time and hard work goes into building a website and we would like to show our appreciation. They are easy to apply for and not many restrictions:

1. You MUST have a family friendly site. NO adult, hate or foul language sites will be awarded.

2. A link back to my site would be appreciated.

3. Choose an award or leave it up to us.

That's it!





Please fill out the following information:

Your Name:

Your Home Page URL:

Your E-mail:

Title of your page:

Which award are you applying for:

Brief description of your site:

We will get back to you within one week! Thanks for stopping by!!

Sign our guestbook!

Award Winners!


Go to our home page!


-Site Map-
© Copyright 2000 Julie Ross
Unauthorized duplication strictly prohibited
Background by Kit
Some graphics by Printmaster®
Some graphics by CAC


The Design Booth!

Right Click Disable courtsey of Dynamic Drive!