Kathy's Kwotes Page of Kwotes
"Life is like a rollercoaster-you get high you get low.  Either way, you're back in line the next day for another ride, cuttin' off some old biddy who's had her share of turns!"

Never judge a book by its cover. Instead, judge it by the cover price. If it's a paperback about self improvement and costs more than 7 dollars, don't buy it. On the other hand, if it's a trashy romance novel, suck the spare change out of your purse and go for it!

"Notice how women don't start wars? That's because we have PMS. Men don't have PMS. If they did, they'd start wars that last only 10 days."

copyright 2005 twofifthskith
"TerroristS are ASSholes."

"If I had a loonie for every man who wanted to make love to me, I'd have seven loons. In U.S. currency, that's $5.75. Hmmm. That equals a box of donut holes or two slices of cheesecake. Not bad, eh!?"
"When is a hangover really over?"

"If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. Then I'd throw it in the air
and see where it lands..."
"I can't understand why turkeys are so popular for Thanksgiving. I mean, they taste good for a day, but the leftovers? They taste like pimento loaf- and I'm being kind!"
"Hmm...  as of November, I've used up all of my credit cards and I can no longer shop for gifts.
Oh well. I guess I'll have to sell my body to buy Christmas presents. Walmart, here I come!"
"Happy New Year...or what we in Canada like to call The Swingin' Group Sex Rompy Room Clubs Love the One You're With -
'Cause It's 1969 Again- New Year!"
"OH Can-a-daaa...you voted for a Torie PM;
he looks like Mr. U-ni-verse
compared to Granpa Mar-teen..."