Introducing: Bridget Nicole
After a couple of days with 5 minute contractions we started inducing at 7am that morning. My water broke at 8am and things REALLY picked up. Tried to get an epidural, but they weren't fast enough...cause as soon as I laid down out she came! It all happened so fast everyone was in shock! Bret and Annette were there to see it. After a minute or two Doctor Callison finially made it. She missed the whole thing. At first I didn't even know what the baby's sex was, no one told me till after a couple mminutes. It was a crazy morning to say the least...
Daddy and Bridget play on the computer.
Feb 2006
Daddy and Yaya snuggling!
Bridget is only 3 days old in this picture!
Mother: Randi Megan Nayman
Father: Bret Austin Nayman
Born on: August 30th, 2005  9:37am
Born at: Huntsville Hospital
Weight: 6 lbs 8 oz
Height: 19 inches
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Dark Brown
Email us!
3 months old! Dec 2005
Jan 2006
Bridget smiling at Grandma Nayman's house!
Feb 7th, 2006
Mama and Yaya playing at the computer!
Strawberry Yaya!