Random Thoughts
Here is our page of random thoughts, such as what goes on today between us, and well,                                        RANDOM THOUGHTS!
October 2nd:
Sarah: Well Ijeoma and I are trying to learn sign lauange,
Ijeoma: And Im not to sucessful at rembering it.
Sarah: but I am,
Ijeoma: Well Sarah since it was your Idea to learn it why dont you tell them why you want to learn it....
Sarah: right, I thought that we should learn it because if you have read our pages we are both in the same perioud band at school and I sit diagonaly behind her and I REALLY want to tell her stuff but I dont want to get in trouble by the teach.
Ijeoma: hey me neither!
Sarah: well any way since we cant really lip read at all I came up with the Idea: HEY LETS LEARN SIGN LAUANGE! then we arnt talking!
Ijeoma: Yes I am the one with all the brains here but I lack at learning sign lauange.
Sarah: well thats all for now! and here is a a bordem buster for thouse of you who get board in class and want to talk, learn sign lauange. hey you dont have to learn it all, just the alaphebet.
October 3rd:
Sarah: Hi everybody! Today is a good day TGIF! yes its Friday. well I have learned more sign lauange,,,
Ijeoma: while I am still struggling with the alphabet.

Ijeoma: hello and welcome to random thoughts.
Sarah: Today we will be dicussing barney
Ijeoma: Barney is evil. Tainted and simple.
Sarah: Yes.  But is he eviler than I
Ijeoma : *looking freaked out* hmmm it depends
Ijeoma: *releived* Oh good.  For a minute there I thought you turning to the smart side.  but it is just the fruit loops.  Barney is by far more evil than you sarah
Sarah: You know what happens to those kids on the show that grow to old to be on the show??
Ijeoma: What ?
Sarah : he eats them!
Ijeoma :^_^'
October 10th
Sarah: well sorry every body, heres the news: this page will probly be updated once a week..........
Well if you guessed it or not, Its because of school, such a great and sour word...

Ijeoma: Oh well we now have fall break so be happy Sarah!
Sarah: I know well any way we shall be talking about weird strange people that you meet (well for us its at school that were talking about)
Ijeoma; uh-oh!!! Why did you pick the topic????
Sarah: Ya  like * name*  and   *name*  and *name*  OH AND DONT FORGET * name* I HATE HER!!! jk,, I try not to hate people at any costs.
Ijeoma: Sarah,,,
Sarah: Wort..

Ijeoma: ewww, thats discusting * Sarah laughing crazy for no reason*  uhh ya ok.... Um Sarah we dont have students named Name......
Sarah: How do you know???
Ijeoma: Well at least none of the boys at our school are named that
Sarah: How do you know???
Ijeoma: Oh never mind *blushing but not to well for have dark skin*
Sarah: Any way some people are weird... they just stumble right up (no not waltz right up STUMBLE)
Ijeoma: umm ya well others are so weird that they are funny
Ijeoma: Oh sorry, I thought that the whole topic was on you....
Sarah: No cuz then Id sound like a snobby peorson who just wants to talk about myself.......
Ijeoma: That is true......
Ijeoma: Well we better get going, Sarahs seeing things,,, Uh bye come back next week!
Sarah: Hey no Im not look down!
January 30th
sorry that We havent been updating latey, our computer wont let us.
Sarah: Hey if your reading this text and you are lost please screem out loud.. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Ijeoma: No just click below