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Life according to


Ah yes, the world according to Homer.  Argue if you will, but I think there is not an blue collared worker out there who does not have a little bit of Homer in him some where.  Just click on Homers image to listen to the coinciding wav file.  If the wav file sounds a little choppy, maybe you would want to right click , and then save the file to your computer. 


Homers 32 Doh's (all in a row) *S*


mmmm, beer....


Homer singing "The Flinstones" song with some...er...modified lyrics. 


(in a slurred speech)maybe its the beer talking Marge, but you got a butt that just wont quit.....chewy pretzels.....*mumbles*......five dollars...get outta here....


Dont worry, I have a plan.  I saw this in a movie once, about a bus that had to SPEED around the city, keeping its SPEED over 50, and if its SPEED dropped it would explode.  I think they called it, "The bus that couldn't slow down".