Les Tres Riches Heures
"The king of the Illuminated Manuscripts"
Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry is a book of hours created by the Limbourg brothers between 1412 and 1416 for Jean de Berry.  Considered the most famous illuminated manuscript in France, Les Tres Riches Heures was only one of about 15 book of hours that Jean posessed.  Les Tres Riches Heures is kept today at the Castle of Chantilly north of Paris.
The Limbourg brothers: Paul, Herman, and Jean hailed from Flanders.  They enjoyed a close relationship with the Duke of Berry.  In exchange for their services they recieved money, jewelry, and even lodging.  The Duke, whose brother was King Charles V and father was King Jean II, was a very rich man.
Surprisingly, the Limbourg brothers died before completing this masterpiece.  It was later completed by Jean Colombe between 1485 and 1489.
Les Tres Riches Heures is one of the best examples of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance eras because it depicts a variety of scenes, ranging from the hunting activities of the Nobles, to the toil and poverty of the lower class.  Jean de Berry prized his acquisitions, including exotic animals and rare artifacts.  Much of these possessions are included in the manuscript, along with many of his favorite castles.  Les Tres Riches Heures presents many themes of this time frame, such as clothing, work, shelter, and life in general.