Life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance
During the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods, life was very different for the people of France, depending on what "class" you belonged to.
The Aristocracy and Nobility

Those who belonged to the Noble class enjoyed more of life than those below them.  Many of these people, such as the Duke of Berry and Francois Ier, lived in illustrious castles holding lavish parties, weddings and more. The aristocracy enjoyed the outdoors, gathering for outdoor weddings and hunting excursions with falcons or dogs.  Since the feudal system was well in place, these "seigneurs" enjoyed the benefits reaped by their "vassals" or servants.  One could say that they were living the high life.  Physical characteristics of their lifestyle can be observed through their attire.
The Peasants and Serfs

While the Nobility spent their time amassing wealth and displaying their power, the peasants and serfs toiled away at the land.  These people usually worked for the noble, or seigneur, either in the fields sowing seeds, or creating crafts such as horseshoes.  The serfs were much like slaves, having hardly any rights at all.  Due to their poverty, the lower class was predominantly illiterate.  They learned much about religion by looking at the facades of churches and by looking at stained glass windows.  Their clothes were simple and their houses fragile compared to the Aristocracy.
The Clergy

A group with great power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, these men were the closest to God, along with the King.  They presided over the religion and had many of the ancient texts recopied for more to read and learn.  The Clergy oftentimes influenced the other classes, encouraging them to action, through calls such as for the Crusades.  This class also lived generally well, much better than the lower class.