Dodge City Daily Globe
Banque de Something Or Other
If you looked up 'evil' in the dictionary, you would not find my picture. You would more likely find Hitler or Satan or somebody, if anyone at all. But for humor purposes, imagine my picture's there. The reason why? Check what I did while on our way to the trading post at the southern edge of Utah. I introduced the House Limit. Basically, you couldn't take more than 9 stones into Round 9-- the round after this one, more than 6 into Round 10, and more than 3 into the finals. A thorough eradication of stone dominance, and a leveling of the playing field.

mtvcdm: I know what you plan to say to me. ... It's the same thing everyone else will want to say to me.
Aaron Lee (Arizona): about the new rule?
mtvcdm: I assume your response includes the word 'evil' in it.
Aaron Lee: well, it would but now I have to think of a better word ...sadistic works
mtvcdm: But isn't that why you signed up?
Aaron Lee: Yes it is, which is why I don't mind really ... but I might be dillusional from tossing that grenade
mtvcdm: Hey, I make no secret about it: I'm an evil host. I depend on that primarily to get applications.
Aaron Lee: haha it works

mtvcdm: You are SERIOUSLY going to hate me now.
Jon Pinyan (Pennsylvania): actually aaron ... you have, in a sense ... "saved me from myself"
mtvcdm: Huh?
Jon Pinyan: assuming i don't win anymore stones this round ... i'll HAVE to use 7 stones this round ... i don't need to worry about what happened last round ... where i hoarded (or would have if it were a decision) ... and everyone else used stones and passed me

So while I'm being evil or sadistic or whatever, I took the players to a trading post in southern Utah, onthe Arizona border, to hold a Survivor-style auction. Only Jon and Colin showed up, and picked off 4 items each. Since they were bidding with their votes, however, that can be bad. Since they got themselves a sense of certainty for this round, the votes they bid to get the items would carry over to round 9. For now, Colin spent 7,750 votes on an inoculation for round 8, 3 stones, and 3 anti-stones (which add 10% to a player's total and can be nullified by one regular stone each) to give to someone else, which turned out to be Aaron. Jon spent 6,250 votes on a flat 20,000 votes for the round (at this point in the game, 20,000 votes can be considered safe), 10,000 votes to hand to someone else (this was also Aaron), and a 5,000 vote penalty for himself, taking him to 11,250 votes added on to whatever he got in round 9. Also, they spent sizable amounts each on 'mystery plates' (yes. Stolen from Survivor. So sue me.) that turned out to contain absolutely nothing. So next round, readers, expect these two to be in fairly bad shape.

Estes Park, Colorado was the site of a game of Simon Says. Simple as that. Only Colin and David showed. It was a leisurely match until this...

mtvcdm: Simon asks what is the last thing Control will say in this round of play. The LAST thing.
HereBTyger (David, NJ): Three players. Two rounds.
ph_mole (Colin, RI): The LAST thing.
mtvcdm: BZZZ! ... David, outta my game. ... FOUR contestants, THREE rounds.
HereBTyger: Gah.
ph_mole: Oops ... lmao ... Read it wrong
mtvcdm: David screwed up first, so Colin, you win.

I did have a conversation with Colin one-on-one afterwards...

mtvcdm: You're right at the House Limit.
ph_mole (Colin, RI): Ok, and I need to be right there at the end of the round, right?
mtvcdm: There or below.
ph_mole: ok, thanks
mtvcdm: So you have nothing to worry about.
ph_mole: How bout that?
mtvcdm: Unless, of course, you get exiled and don't make it to Round 9.
ph_mole: I'm immune...
mtvcdm: Well, that takes care of that then.
ph_mole: Yep ... Should be an interesting finish to the game
mtvcdm: Right now, tell me, who's in the finals?
ph_mole: Jon and I
mtvcdm: How come?
ph_mole: Because we have the # of stones we need...And have been recieving least raw votes lately
mtvcdm: Well, a big fat 0 is a low number of raw votes.
ph_mole: Yes...And next round I planned to use the 3 stones I bought to negate the votes I bought and some more ...And so on til the finals, watching for voting scandals ... Which Jon tells me is coming
mtvcdm: And you don't think the audience will backlash to see a more even finish?
ph_mole: Me v Jon isn't even enough?
mtvcdm: I meant in relation to the other 3 contestants.
ph_mole: Well, you never know, I myself find myself likable and an active player, being the only who has made every live challenge in the game ... I don't trust Jon though, nor David, nor anyone for that matter
mtvcdm: Game's built like that.

Jon HAD a plan involving him and Colin, but the results in Estes Park screwed things up.

erik316wttn (me under my brother's account): So what's this evil plan?
jonpin85 (Jon, PA): well colin hasn't agreed to it yet ... and he's mostl ikely to
erik316wttn: Well, what's it supposed to do?
jonpin85: a given person can only have 9 stones at the end of this round ...2) donating stones is allowed ...3) selling stones is allwoed
erik316wttn: Yes?
jonpin85: combining 2 and 3, with the need forced by 1
erik316wttn: hoo boy.
jonpin85: we have me requesting that an opponent open the Banque de Colin ... i lend him my excess stones ... he holds them, and sells them back to me for a few votes
erik316wttn: well, know you've only got 2 days.
jonpin85: for his trouble, he saves some votes ...i keep my stones ... i know
erik316wttn: Also, at this point he stands at 9
jonpin85: i was going to catch him at the challenge ... he does? ... FUCK
erik316wttn: The 4 he won tonight puts him at 9.
jonpin85: damn it ... that was another thing
erik316wttn: That will tend to shoot that plan in the ass.
jonpin85: i was going to try to make sure he DIDN'T win ... shaddup ... because he's not going to use any stones this round, i'd guess now i have to go for devon, who's the only other person below 9
erik316wttn: Also, what's the incentive to give the stones back?
jonpin85: 1) otherwise i make the deal public and the audience hates me and him, but i have stones ... well that was supposed to be the plan ...and also, i'd get outside votes to roast his ass ... in addition, i'm taking a few hundred votes off of him for each stone he's renting

Jon ultimately made the deal with David, handing over 3 stones for safekeeping. Aaron came in last when we got down to things-- in fact, he got slaughtered. HOWEVER, it was the final Bus Stop, and Aaron got to fight 4th place for survival. In this case, Devon. They would compete in a shootout in Dodge city, KS. I really don't want to get into the details of that, other than that Devon said I had the numbers wrong and David was supposed to play Aaron, and I checked some numbers and he was right and I apologized, but then I saw more numbers proving both Devon and I were complete morons, and retracted apology, and that Devon won anyway. Aaron went down really the only way a guy who loses a shootout can.

4 contestants, 3 rounds.
To Round 9...