These graphics are available for your personal web pages.  A graphic has been provided that matches the theme or you may use the button or banner located on the Terms page to link to this site.
 You can download the whole theme in a zip file.
You will need WinZip to extract the files.

Please read the Terms before saving.
Download the Theme

DO NOT alter any of these graphics except the blank button (if provided).  If there is a button that you would like that's not included in this theme, let me know and I'll make one for you.

Please e-mail me the URL of your site so that I may visit your site.

You can use either the interface for mouseover effects for your links or just the regular buttons.
I have included the coding for this effect in the HTML in the zip file.

Font = Sloop Script Three

Font Colour = #BF8C0C

Font Link Colour = #FFD60E

The Guestbook is 5 separate graphics placed without spaces between them.
This way you can link the graphic instead of doing image mapping.

Please use the graphic below to link back to my site at:

Graphics by Tickie's Web Page Themes