Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful
Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North
America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans.
No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: Actually I don't generally do author's notes. I never
like them when I'm reading a fanfic, though writing them doesn't
seem as bad. Anyway, I have two things I feel are important enough
to bore you. First I want to thank those who have given me feedback
on my stories, particularly Greg Young who has been prereading both
this story and Proper Punishment. Second I want to comment on the
recent rash of real life.

That's right, real life is starting to make serious inroads into
the writing time of many of the best Fanfic authors. Just look at
how Lord Archive's output has fallen recently, to name just one. 
And Krista Perry has had real life problems almost from the 

I think we have to band together to stop this terrible scourge
from... ummm, excuse me, the wife is calling. Gotta go do the 
dishes or she'll get *really* angry (she makes Akane look meek).
Ah, well, anyway I think real life is a bad thing. If I had the 
time I'd organize a protest or something.

  - Tom Wrensch
    Feb 28, 1999

Thought of the Mongoose
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch
Part 5: Ryoga
Draft 1999-02-28

Ranma leapt back, holding his hands up to signal the end of the match.
It wasn't until Akane released her high-speed mind set that she
realized that Ranma was breathing even harder than she was.

"Great. Akane," Ranma said between breaths. "You're. Much. Faster now."

"Thank you." Akane said. "Still, I only got two hits past your
Chestnut-Fist blocks. I've got to do better or I'll never beat Cologne.
She's at least as fast as you."

Ranma gave her a lopsided grin. "Maybe as fast as I was a few weeks
ago," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You don't think all this practice is just helping *you*? I'm a lot
faster than I was before we started. I've gotten a lot more precise

"So...so you mean I'm faster than Cologne now?" Akane asked in delight.

Ranma frowned. "Probably. It's your accuracy and control that will make
the difference though."

"So I'm ready for her?" Akane said eagerly.

Ranma's frown deepened. "In a sparring match you could probably take
her, but that's not enough. You know what she's like. Pressure points,
ki attacks, potions and stuff, maybe magic. What if she does a big ki
blast? Being fast might get you out of that since you can dodge faster,
or it might not."

Ranma sat on the dojo floor, settling his chin into his palm. Akane sat
next to him and let him think things through.

"Look, Akane. We've done about as much as we can with sparring. We've
gotta get you ready for the real fight, tricks and all. What you really
need is an all out fight with someone who's really good.

They sat, resting and thinking.

"Ranma Saotome, prepare to die!" Came a voice from the yard.

Ranma grinned at Akane. "Ryoga, you got great timing," he murmured.

He turned to Akane. "Go dress up like a guy, and do something to
disguise your face too. Get Kasumi to help."


"'Cause Ryoga would never attack a girl all out. Hurry up, I'll get him
ready to fight you."


* * *

Ranma jumped through the window into the dojo yard before Ryoga could
wander off. On landing he let his shoulders droop and his head hang
down before slowly walking over to Ryoga.

"Yo, Ryoga, what's up?" He asked listlessly.

"Ranma! You're going to pay..."

Ranma's uncharacteristic behavior finally got through to Ryoga and his
voice petered out.

"Uhh, what's going on?" He asked.

"I-It's Akane," Ranma said hoarsely, hanging his head to hide the
effort it was taking to keep a straight face.

"She's all right isn't she? If you've hurt her I'll kill you."

Ranma looked up at Ryoga with real anger and hurt in his eyes.

"You know I would never hurt her!" Ranma forced himself to calm down.
He had to convince Ryoga to attack Akane, not pound the lost boy into
the dirt.

"Akane's fine," Ranma let his head drop again.

"You know I ain't had no choice about this engagement thing," he added.

"Just tell me what's going on," Ryoga growled.

There's someone...someone else is going to decide who Akane marries."

"What! Where is he?" Ryoga yelled.

Ranma grinned, Ryoga had taken the bait, now to reel him in.

"Take it easy Ryoga, it's not that easy. They're pretty tough. I sparred
with 'em and I'm not sure I could take 'em in an all out fight."

"Hmph. Maybe *you're* too chicken to fight this guy, but I'm not.
Nobody's going to force Akane to marry!"

 Ranma thought. 

As if on cue, Akane stepped onto the back porch. Considering how little
time she'd had her disguise was great. She was still wearing the black
fighting pants but the curve of her hip was hidden by a long shirt.
She'd wasn't wearing her sash, so her slender waist wasn't obvious, and
she'd done something to hide the her bust. A black cloth covered her
hair and upper face with crude holes cut to let her see. She'd even
managed to make her lips look thinner, which hid the cute pouty look
she normally wore. It was plenty good enough to fool Ryoga.

"There they are! The one who decides who Akane's going to marry.
Careful Ryoga, you could get hurt," Ranma hissed at the lost boy.

Ryoga spun to face Akane. "You! You're the one who's going to force
Akane to marry?"

Akane looked startled, then nodded. "Yes, I am," she said in a low tone.

Ryoga pulled his umbrella out and pointed it at Akane. "Then we fight!"
And he leapt at her.

* * *

Akane immediately brought up the mind set for high-speed mode, but
didn't extend it to her body. Right now she needed the time to think
more than she needed to move fast.

Ryoga was strong and *very* tough. She wouldn't be able to take him out
with just a few punches, she'd probably have to use Ranma's trick of
hitting him hundreds of times in a single spot. On the other hand Ryoga
wasn't indestructible, and she didn't really know how strong a fighter
her new technique made her. She'd have to slowly increase her attacks
until they started affecting him. She checked Ryoga position, she still
had a few subjective seconds to deal with his leap. She let her ki flow
into her body, giving it the ability to move as quickly as her mind.

Akane ducked under the umbrella and was about to hook Ryoga's ankle when
a white-hot pain flared along her leg. She saw the glowing tip of Ryoga's
umbrella just miss her foot as it drove into the ground. Somehow, despite
her speed, he had caught her leg with the strike she hadn't realized
Ryoga could move that fast. Of course she usually saw him fighting Ranma,
which could make almost anyone look slow. Akane winced as her weight
settled on her now-injured leg. Their first exchange hadn't gone well at
all. She was injured while Ryoga was completely untouched. If she
couldn't beat Ryoga she didn't have a chance against Cologne. What
*really* hurt was that she'd taken the hit because she'd underestimated
Ryoga's speed and his willingness to use dangerous techniques. She was
determined not to make *that* mistake again.

She watched carefully as Ryoga completed his leap, landing facing her
with his closed umbrella held vertically as a shield. The look of
unholy glee in his face gave Akane pause, she'd never realized how much
Ryoga liked fighting. He'd sounded like he was doing it for her but the
look on his face made her wonder if that was just an excuse.

Ryoga's umbrella swung up and his free hand began reaching for his
bandanas. Akane didn't have any more time to consider Ryoga's

She used both feet to shove the umbrella down, vaulting herself over
Ryoga's head. She was about to kick the hand holding the bandanas when
the yellow and black cloth began to glow around the edges. She knew
only too well what that meant, the seemingly harmless pieces of cloth
were now steel-hard, knife-sharp blades. Trying to kick them out of his
hand would do very bad things to her foot.

Akane finished the leap without attacking, landing behind Ryoga. She
waited for Ryoga to spin around and face her, using the time to plan. 

She couldn't keep this speed up forever, and so far she hadn't made any
progress at all. Ryoga was too tough to take out with one blow, she'd
have to use Ranma's 'hundred punch' techniqueÐstrike the same spot
repeatedly in quick succession.

Ryoga finished his spin. Akane was about to step into his guard and
begin pounding him when she noticed the set of his arms. They were
positioned for a strike against an opponent who moved in close, a move
that would *kill*. With a sick feeling Akane stepped forward and quickly
back. As she feared, Ryoga hooked his thumbs and moved his arms in a way
that would have ripped out her jugular and crushed her heart.

She always thought of Ryoga as a truly decent man, someone honorable,
someone she could trust. Now he was trying to kill her. The realization
that she was fighting for her life seeped into her heart and with it came
the calmness and determination she needed to do what was necessary.

Not finding a target, Ryoga's forearms crossed over his chest. Akane
stepped back and kicked his forearms. She kicked again and again, as
fast and hard as she could. Though the calmness was still on her, tears
started to leak from her eyes. She stopped kicking as Ryoga lowered his
arms, one of which might very well be broken now. She set herself and
began pounding his stomach with her fists.

The tears and her concentration on the punches distracted her. She never
saw the knee moving up into her stomach in a hard, vicious blow. Her
heightened speed slowed the blow, making it feel more like a hard
shove...a *very* hard shove. Akane's breath exploded from her. Her body
curled around the pain as she was flung back from the blow.

Ryoga finally began to feel Akane's pounding. He mirrored Akane, doubling
over and clutching his stomach. Akane tried desperately to clear her head
as she fought to get her breath back. That stomach blow would have killed
anyone but the toughest martial artistsÐor one with special protection
like her ki enhanced speed. Ryoga was *definitely* trying to kill her.

Akane got her breath back and looked at her opponent. He was trying to
straighten up but was still clutching his stomach with one hand. She
decided it was time to end this, before Ryoga got lucky. She wound up and
did a roundhouse kick to Ryoga's face. He saw it coming, tried to block it
with his free hand, but she was moving too fast. The kick lifted him up,
over the ring of stones surrounding the koi pond.

As he splashed into the pond Akane saw a Jusenkyo transformation in
slow motion. It wasn't quite instantaneous, there was a moment of
contraction, then a shifting, and then P-chan landed in the pond with a
small splash.

Akane let the mindset slip. She stared at the small black pig floating
unconscious in the pond.

"No," she whispered.

She felt Ranma's arms wrap around her from behind. She twisted around
so she could cry on his chest.

Being betrayed by a friend is never easy.

* * *

Ryoga groaned as he came to. Whoever that bastard was, he'd certainly
packed a nasty kick. His chin hurt like hell and his left arm wasn't
much better. He opened his eyes and found himself looking into the
flinty glare of both Nabiki and Kasumi.

 he thought.

"So the pervert is awake," Nabiki said icily.

"Umm...," Ryoga said.

"Ryoga, how could you!" Kasumi scolded.

"Umm...," Ryoga said.

"All this time Akane thought you were her friend. She is *very* upset,"
Kasumi said in the same scolding voice.

"*I* want to know how you got Ranma to keep quiet," Nabiki asked.

"Umm...," Ryoga said.

"He *did* know, didn't he?" Nabiki asked.

"Yes, I did," Ranma said from the bottom of the stairs. "But I promised
not to tell. That was *before* he stared sleeping with Akane."

Nabiki switched her icy gaze to Ranma. "How could you let him do this
to your fiancee?"

"Lay off Nabiki," Ranma said in a tone that matched Nabiki's. "Someone
who sells indecent pictures of her sister is not in a position to take
the moral high ground."

"Umm...," Nabiki said.

Ryoga shook himself free of his shock. "Ranma, what happened to that
bastard I was fighting?" He demanded.

"You were fighting Akane," Kasumi said.

If Ranma had said it he'd have assumed it was a lie and attacked him for
suggesting he'd hurt Akane. Kasumi? He just couldn't believe she would

"A-Akane?" He managed.

"Yeah, and she beat you," Ranma said with some pride.

"She...but...how?" Ryoga got out.

"Long story, I'll tell you as I walk you to your house," Ranma said.

Ryoga looked up into Nabiki and Kasumi's cold stares and decided it had
been too long since he'd been home.

"Umm...okay," He got up and bowed to Kasumi.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused your family," He said without
looking up.

Nabiki 'humphed' and turned away.

"Ryoga," Kasumi said. "I don't want you fighting with Ranma anymore. I
don't want to see you breaking holes in our wall anymore, and if I see
'P-chan' again...there's this wonderful orange sauce I've been meaning to

Ryoga swallowed hard.

"Come on 'Mr. P' let's go," Ranma pulled Ryoga out of the house and
into the street.

* * *

Ranma trudged up the stairs. It'd been a long day, and shepherding
Ryoga home had been a real chore. It was like pushing a noodle, it
never when the direction you wanted it do go. Ranma was more than ready
for some sleep.

"Ranma?" Akane called from her door as he reached the top of the steps.

Ranma walked over to her, taking the chance to get a good look at her
in her pajamas. She looked *really* good: cute, vulnerable, and sexy.
He couldn't help himself and step over to gather her in his arms.

"Ranma?" Akane's voice was soft, there was no anger at his actions.
They had moved past that sometime over the last few weeks.

Ranma pulled back a little. "Sorry, couldn't help myself."

Akane giggled.

"So what did you want?" He asked.

"How's Ryoga?"

"Okay, I guess. Depressed of course. His mom was home so I think he'll
be all right."

"Good. I'm still angry with him. I'm not sure I'll ever forgive him,
but...well, I did some stupid things when I had that crush on Dr. Tofu."

"That's for sure," Ranma said with a grin.

"Baka," she said in a warm tone.

She reached up to the back of his head and pulled him down for a kiss.
He didn't resist.

"All right, that's enough."

Ranma tensed and started to pull away, but Akane held his head in place
and finished the kiss before releasing him. Ranma relaxed when he saw it
was Kasumi.

"What's wrong Kasumi? Can't my fiancee give me a good night kiss?"
Akane asked playfully.

"I don't mind, but daddy will be coming to bed soon," Kasumi answered.

"Ahh, good point," Akane agreed and stepped back from Ranma with a sigh.

"Good night you two," Kasumi said over her shoulder as she went to her
own room.

"Good night."

"Good night Kasumi."

"She watches us like a hawk," Ranma whispered once Kasumi was in her room.

"Uh-huh. At least she won't force us to get married at the drop of a
hat," Akane said.

"Yeah. Well, you better get some sleep, only two more days until our
fight. We have to train hard tomorrow."

"Okay Ranma, good night," Akane gave him a warm smile and closed her

Ranma stood outside the door for a full minute, trying to understand
the emotions rolling through him.

"Good night Akane-chan," he murmured before heading off to his own bed.

* * *

Akane took her ear from the door. She hugged herself and smiled happily
as she slipped into bed.

* * *

Ranma looked up at the stars from his usual place on the dojo roof. He
knew he should get some sleep, but he needed the quiet to think.

Right now Ranma could see three possible futures. A pretty nice one where
Akane managed to beat Cologne. A horrible one where Cologne beatÐand 
probably killedÐAkane. He knew if that happened he would destroy the
Amazons. He could do it though it might take the rest of his life.

The best future was the one where he defeated Akane in two days. The
two of them, alone on a long trip. No other fiancees, no Kuno, no
meddling parents, no Nabiki trying to trick him to make money. It
wasn't like they'd be in exile, they didn't have to stay gone. They
could train until Akane was ready to defeat Cologne without as much
danger to herself. Heck, they could both practice the new technique
until they had it perfected, then no one could stop them!

Of course he'd have to marry her before she could teach him. It wouldn't
be hard to get married before they left, their fathers were experts at
quick weddings.

If only he could get Akane to see that a long training trip was the
best choice. He'd do his best to convince her. If that didn't work he'd
just have to make sure he won their match. Akane had been asking him to
fight her for real for the last year. She was going to get her wish.

===END PART 5===

C&C *very* welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to 
twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively complete
drafts are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/.

    Source: geocities.com/twrensch