Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the
wonderful Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz 
Communications in North America). This work is strictly for 
the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement 
is intended.

Story type: Continuation

Authors Comments: This is one of the two stories I had
attempted to blend in "Married, Too". The original story was
getting too complicated, and the Miko character wasn't 
getting enough exposure (Not that way you perverts!).

I plan on keeping the episodes short, so I expect a lot of
them. At least twenty, probably more.

I admit I chickened out. In the original story the "club" was
topless. I decided Kasumi and Nodoka would have a little trouble
with that. I still haven't decided which way to go for sure, so
if you have any preferences, please let me know.

A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch
Episode 2: Here's Miko
Draft 1998-08-16

[ Ranma sticks his head into the kitchen again. Kasumi is
  holding a plate of food. ]

RANMA:  Kasumi, I have to go talk to Miko-san.

KASUMI: (excited) Oh! What did father say?

RANMA:  (holding up an envelope) He wrote a note. I don't
know what it says, but he told me to escort Miko-san here
if she wants to come.

KASUMI: Oh my. Do you think I should try to find a wedding
Kimono for her?

RANMA:  I have no idea. Do you know her size?

KASUMI: Well, she's a little shorter than me, but *much*
better built.

RANMA:  That's her. I better hurry.

KASUMI: Please do, we don't have much time if they're
planning on a wedding today.

[ Ranma is walking up to an apartment building. It is in a
  crowded and run-down area. ]


[ Ranma walks up to the door of an apartment and knocks. ]

MIKO:   (without opening door) Yes?

RANMA:  It's Ranma Saotome.

[ The door opens. Miko is in a conservative dress that
partially hides her figure. ]

MIKO:   Ranma, you came! What did he say?

RANMA:  (hands her the letter) He wrote you this.

[ Miko and Ranma step into the apartment, which is small
  even my Japanese standards (we're talking walk-in close
  size here). Miko is reading the letter. ]

RANMA:  (looking at Miko) 

MIKO:   (crying but smiling) H-He wants to marry me.

RANMA:  Mr. Tendo asked me to escort you to the dojo. After
seeing the neighborhood I think that's a really good idea.

MIKO:   I know, but I can't afford anything more than this
tiny place, even in this neighborhood.

RANMA:  You'll like the dojo, it's pretty big and has a
really nice yard, though it needs some repair work.

MIKO:   That's right. If I... I never have to come back here

[ Miko pulls out a suitcase and starts throwing things into
  it. ]

RANMA:  Would you mind telling me what's going on?

MIKO:   Oh, I'm sorry. Soun-chan wants to marry me! He said
he'd marry me today if I want, or we could wait a while and
have a more formal ceremony.

RANMA:  And?

MIKO:   Today! I'm not spending another minute in this mouse
hole if I can help it.

MIKO:   (stops packing for a moment) Oh dear. I'm not being
very polite, am I. Do you think his family will mind?
Should I wait?

RANMA:  *I* don't mind. Mr. Tendo is the one that suggested
getting married today. Akane will be surprised, but she's
not the type to cause problems over something like this. I
have no idea about Nabiki and Kasumi though.

MIKO:   I *know* Kasumi wont mind. I'll have to talk to
Nabiki when we get there. (looks sadly at her luggage)
maybe it's too soon to be packing.

RANMA:  No, keep packing. There's no way Mr. Tendo will let
you continue living here once he knows what kind of
neighborhood this is.

MIKO:   But if we don't get married right away it wouldn't be
right for me to stay there.

RANMA:  Then you can live with my mom for a while. She'd
love the company.

MIKO:   Really? Thank you Ranma, you're sweet. Akane's a
lucky girl.

RANMA:  (muttered) She doesn't seem to think so.

[Miko and Ranma are walking down the street. Ranma is
  carrying a large suitcase and a backpack. Miko is wearing a

MIKO:   I hope Akane and Nabiki don't think I'm trying to
take their mothers place.

RANMA:  Akane's not like that. I really don't know what
Nabiki's going to think. Aren't you worried about Kasumi?

MIKO:   (laughs) No, Kasumi will be very happy to have me

RANMA:  Huh?

MIKO:   Kasumi and I understand each other. You'll see what I

RANMA:  If you say so... mother-in-law.

MIKO:   Huh? Oh, I guess I will be your mother-in-law
someday. (laugh) I just hope none of Soun's girls are
planning to get married and start a family soon. I'm not
ready to be a grandmother. Not even a step-grandmother.

RANMA:  (grins) You're way too cute to be a grandmother.

MIKO:   (swats him playfully) Ranma, it's not nice to hit on
your mother-in-law.

[ An Amazon-powered bicycle comes out of nowhere and
  flattens Ranma. ]

SHAMPOO: (looks angry) Niho Arien. What you doing?

RANMA:  What do you want Shampoo?

SHAMPOO: Why Kasumi buy wedding things? Arien not planning
anything stupid is he? Not smart to cross Chinese Amazons.

MIKO:   You're a Chineese Amazon? Let me guess, Ranma
defeated you in combat?

SHAMPOO: Yes. Now Ranma Shampoo husband.

MIKO:   Wow, I didn't think even as backward a culture as the
Chinese Amazons would keep such archaic outmating customs.


RANMA:  Huh?

MIKO:   Oh, sorry. My degree is in Anthropology. Not very
useful for getting a job, but wonderful for trivia.

SHAMPOO: Arien answer Shampoo! What Kasumi buy wedding
things for?

RANMA:  Uhh...

MIKO:   For a wedding of course.

RANMA:  Oh-oh.

MIKO:   (does overblown cutsy look) Oh, I'm finally getting
married to my wonderful Soun-chan. I can't wait!

SHAMPOO: You marry violent girls father?

MIKO:   Yes, isn't it wonderful?

SHAMPOO: Oh. Shampoo sorry. She think...

RANMA:  It's okay Shampoo, but we gotta go now.

SHAMPOO: Bye-Bye Arien.

[ Shampoo rides off on her bike, waving. ]

RANMA:  (sighs in relief) That was close. Thanks for the
cutsy act. I *was* an act wasn't it?

MIKO:   (nods) No problem Ranma. Family's got to stick
together, right?

[ Ranma and Miko are approaching the gate to the Tendo
  compound. Kasumi is sweeping out front. ]

RANMA:  Here we are.

MIKO:   Kasumi!

[ Miko runs up to Kasumi, who looks up from her sweeping. ]

MIKO:   Kasumi! He finally asked!

KASUMI: I'm so happy for you.

MIKO:   And for yourself?

KASUMI: You know what I want. But don't worry. I can wait
until after the honeymoon.

RANMA:  Huh?

MIKO:   (smiling) You'll find out.

KASUMI: Daddy's waiting for you inside.

MIKO:   Oh my! How do I look?

KASUMI: You look fine, now go talk to your groom.

MIKO:   (nervously) Well, here goes. Ranma, will you escort
me in?

RANMA:  (holds out his arm) Sure.

[ They walk into the house. Soun is sitting at his normal
place, but is dressed up rather than in his usual brown gi.
Gemna-panda, Akane, and Nabiki are also sitting there
drinking tea. Kasumi is standing behind Ranma and Miko,
still holding the broom. Akane and Nabiki look a little
uncertain. ]

MIKO:   Soun-chan?

SOUN: Mi-chan? Have you thought about it?

MIKO:   My answer is 'yes'.

[ Soun runs to Miko and sweeps her off her feet in a hug.
  His is, of course, crying. ]

SOUN: Oh, Mi-chan, you've made me so happy.

MIKO:   Now, Soun-chan, you'll get your nice outfit all messy.

SOUN: Have you decided when?

MIKO:   I was thinking as soon as possible, but then decided
that we should talk to your daughters first. They should
have a say in the matter.

SOUN: Come sit with me and we can talk about it.

[ Everyone sits at the table in their usual places, Miko
  next to Soun. Nabiki has her usual sardonic smile, Kasumi
  is grinning happily, but Akane looks a little upset.]

RANMA:  (whispered to Akane) What's wrong?

AKANE: (whispered back) Who does she think she is walking
in here and trying to take Mom's place.

RANMA:  (frowns, still whispering to Akane) She was worried
you might react like that. I told her you, at least,
wouldn't act that way because I didn't think you were so
mean and spiteful that you wouldn't want your own father to
be happy. Maybe I was wrong.

[ Ranma stands up, grabbing his fathers and walking away
  from the table. ]

RANMA:  Come on pop, this is for the Tendos only.

AKANE: (looking guilty) Ranma?

[ Ranma and his father are sitting in their room, both in
  male human form.]

RANMA:  I'm telling you pop, it's time we moved back.

GENMA:   I thought you were the one who wanted to stay here!

RANMA:  Yeah, so I was wrong. Maybe Akane and I will get
along better if we don't see each other all the time.

NODOKA: (opens door to room) Perhaps he is right Husband,
Tendo does not need you around while he gets to know his

RANMA:  Mom! When did you get here?

NODOKA: An hour ago. I've been talking with Miko and the

RANMA:  So, what do you think of Miko?

NODOKA: She seems like a nice, traditional girl. I'm sure
she will be very happy here.

[ Genma and Ranma bigsweat, hoping no one tells Nodoka what
   Miko does for a living. ]

NODOKA: We've made some plans. The wedding will be in a few
hours. Husband, I think Tendo could use your help keeping
his nerves under control until then.

GENMA:   Yes, dear. I'll go now.

NODOKA: (after Genma leaves) Ranma, you seemed to have made
quiet an impression on Miko. She's very happy to have you as
a future son-in-law.

RANMA:  Ummm...

NODOKA: You also seemed to have made an impression on
Akane. She wants to talk to you but seems a bit afraid to
see you right now. What happened between you my son?

RANMA:  Well, she acted... poorly when Miko first got here.
I guess I was pretty disgusted with it and told her so.

NODOKA: She seems to be getting along fine with Miko now.
Miko has promised to teach Akane to cook when she gets back.

RANMA:  (alarmed) Did you warn her what kind of trouble she
was getting into?

NODOKA: No, Akane did. She was quite honest in her self

RANMA:  Wow, that's a first.

NODOKA: (sternly) That's enough Ranma.

RANMA:  Yes mother. Have they decided where they're going on
their honeymoon?

NODOKA: They're not going anywhere. We're going to leave
them alone here for a week. Kasumi has some kind of trip
planned, Nabiki was planning a trip to check out some
colleges anyway, and we'll all be going to our house for a

RANMA:  What about Akane?

NODOKA: Why she's coming with us of course. She's staying
in our guest room. Unless you'd rather make it a double
ceremony, then she could stay with you in your room.

RANMA:  Mom!

NODOKA: (laughing) Soun actually suggested a double
wedding, but Miko talked him out of it.

RANMA:  I owe her one.

NODOKA: (stroking her wrapped katana) She said it wouldn't
be honorable for you to marry Akane until the other
engagement was cleared up and your honor restored.

RANMA:  ...

NODOKA: She is right. We've been letting this slide for far
too long. We can discuss this in more detail after the

RANMA:  (looking very nervous) Yes mother.

=== END EPISODE 2 ===

C&C *very* welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to
twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively
 complete drafts are posted at 

    Source: geocities.com/twrensch