Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful
Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North
America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans.
No copyright infringement is intended.


    Script format.

    [...] are setting/action notes. Example:

        [The author is sitting at his computer. A dark shape looms
         behind him.]

    (...) are dialog comments. Example:

        Tom: (gasping) Since when did *you* start working for *him*?

Episode 5: Back to the Dojo
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch 
Draft 2001-07-21

[Nabiki is sitting at a table at Ucchans, tapping her fingers on the
 table impatiently. She looks up when the door opens.

Nabiki: (to herself) Finally.

Kasumi: Hello Nabiki.

Nabiki: You're late!

Kasumi: Sorry Nabiki, the interviews took a long time.

Nabiki: So what did they say?

Kasumi: I start training Tuesday.

Nabiki: Great! Hey, let's order before you go into details, I'm starving.

Kasumi: At least we know the food is good here.

[Ukyou walks up]

Ukyou: Hi, Nabiki, what'll you and your friend be having?

Kasumi: Hello Ukyou.

Ukyou: Huh? Kasumi?

Kasumi: (giggling) What's wrong? Don't recognize me in these cloths?

Ukyou: That's definitely a new look for you.

Kasumi: Yes, isn't it wonderful?

Ukyou: Umm...I guess so. So what can I get you two?

Nabiki: The lunch special please.

Kasumi: I think I'll have the same.

Ukyou: Coming up. On your tab Nabiki? Or...

Nabiki: Or?

Ukyou: You could settle some rumors for me.

Nabiki: (surprised) Sure Ukyou, but I've been gone for a week, I might
        not have the information you want.

Ukyou: Just tell me what you know.

Nabiki: Right. What's up?

Ukyou: Have Ranma and Akane run away together?

Nabiki: Nope. They spent the week at Auntie Saotome's. I take it they
        haven't been at school?

Ukyou: No. And no one seems sure what happened to them. Now, what about
       this rumor that there was a wedding at your place last weekend.

Nabiki: True.

Ukyou: Then I hope the rumor about your dad getting remarried is true

Nabiki: I'm afraid so.

Kasumi: Nabiki! Are you still upset?

Nabiki: I guess not.

Ukyou: Now about the rumor your dad married Kodachi?

Nabiki: (facefaults)

Kasumi: (laughing) Oh, no, he married Miko, an old friend of his. She's
        younger than he is, but not *that* much younger.

Nabiki: Anything else?

Ukyou: No, thanks. Two specials coming up.

* * * *

[Genma, Nodoka, Ranma, and Akane stop in front of the dojo gates
 carrying luggage.]

Akane:  It's nice to be home again.

Nodoka: (smiles) Things may feel a little different now, with Miko

Ranma: Yeah, maybe Mr. Tendo wont be so weepy all the time.

Akane: Shut up Ranma. (thinking) Though it would be nice if he didn't
       cry so much.

Genma: Let's go in, they should be expecting us.

Ranma: Hey, the place looks pretty good.

Akane: You're right.

Genma: Look! They repaired the roof.

Nodoka: It looks as if Soun and Miko have been busy on the house.

Akane:  There's Miko, by the dojo, raking...(voice drops) in shorts and
        a halter top.

Nodoka: My, she is certainly a well built woman.

Akane: I'll say. I knew she had a nice figure, but I didn't realize
       she was built quite that well.

Genma: Uhh....

Ranma: Urk.

Akane: (slaps Ranma) Get your mind out of the gutter pervert.

Nodoka: (mildly) You too Genma.

Akane:  Humpf. (Marches off toward Miko)

Nodoka: Why don't you two take the luggage and see how Soun is doing. I
        think I'll have a little girl talk with Akane and Miko.

* * * *

Miko: Hello Akane, say I saw you slap Ranma, was that really necessary?

Akane: You would think so if you saw the way he was drooling at you.

Miko: (laughing) Oh, Akane. I *don't* think he deserves a slap for
      *that*. It's a compliment. Really, it's quite reassuring when you
      reach my age.

Akane:  (muttering) It doesn't make *me* feel better.

Miko: If you were dressed like this he wouldn't even notice my

Akane:  Hmph, I doubt it.

Miko: Let's find out tomorrow. We'll both dress like this, work in the
      yard, and see who he notices.

Akane:  Umm...

Miko: How about you Nodoka?

Nodoka: (walking up) No thank you, I'm not ready for competition like
        you two. I'll watch and be the judge.

Akane:  Well...okay.

Nodoka: Now that that is settled, I want to hear all about your

Miko: (giggles) You think Akane's ready for that?

Nodoka: It will be a good experience for her.

Akane:  Uhh....

Nodoka: Oh come now Akane. You can't tell me you're not curious.

Akane:  Yes, I guess I am.

Miko: He was a little hesitant that first night, so I...

* * * *

Ranma: Hi ya Mr. Tendo.

Genma: So how are you holding up Soun?

Soun: My friend, I'm glad you're back. Your presence *might* slow her
      down a little.

Genma: (slaps Soun on the back) Hah! Good thing you're a martial
       artist, gives you some much needed stamina.

Soun: (sounding very serious)  I'm not sure I would have survived

Ranma: (thinking) I don't think I want to hear this.

Genma: Is she even worse than Kimiko was?

Soun: (laughing) No, not *that* bad, but I was a lot younger back then.

Ranma: Umm....

Genma: I noticed you had enough energy to fix the place up.

Soun: Miko did most of it. She's handy with tools.

Genma: Oh? So tell me, has she applied that skill in anything beside
       repairing the house?

Ranma: That's it, I'm outa here. (runs off)

Genma: Hmm, hard to believe I raised such a wimp.

Soun: Don't worry Genma, he'll learn. After all, Akane takes after her
      mother in so many other ways.

Genma: (laughs) So, how does it feel to be married again?

Soun: Besides being tiring, I have to say that it is good. I haven't
      felt this way since Kimiko was alive. (pauses) Genma, I've been
      thinking. Perhaps it is time I started teaching again.

Genma: I thought you were going to wait and let the children restart
       the dojo.

Soun: I was, but it will be easier for them to take over a working
      dojo. Besides, Akane wants to go to college and I think your son
      will want to join her.

Genma: If you wish, old friend.

Soun: Besides, it may be less tiring than sitting around all day being

Genma: You're a crafty one Soun. Try to save some time in your schedule
       for a few games of Shogi with your old friend.

Soun: Of course Saotome. How about one right now?

Genma: Sounds good. We can talk about ways to attract students to your

* * * *

[ Nabiki and Kasumi are walking down the street ]

Nabiki: It'll be nice to be back at the Dojo.

Kasumi: I wonder how Father and  Miko are doing?

Nabiki: (muttering) Or *what* their doing.

[ They arrive at the gate and walk in. ]

Nabiki: Hey! The roof's been repaired! I hope daddy did it himself, we
        can't afford to hire any more contractors than necessary right

Kasumi: Nabiki? I thought the finances were in good shape?

Nabiki: More or less, but with my leaving for college soon and Miko
        here, I'm a bit worried.

Kasumi: Let's talk about it later. (More loudly) We're home!

Akane:  (From inside the house) We're all in the main room!

[ They walk in to the main room.]

Kasumi: Oh my.

Nabiki: Well, you're all blushing pretty badly. I hope we haven't
        missed all the juicy bits.

Akane:  (giggles) You should hear Auntie and Miko! I never knew auntie
        could be so...naughty. And Miko's almost as bad.

Miko: I guess we'll have to stop now Nodoka. After all, we can't
      corrupt these two young innocent ladies.

Nodoka: You're right dear, though its hard to believe their as innocent
        as my son seems to be.

Miko: Oh, you know how men are. They always have problems talking about
      things, but when it comes to actually *doing* them, they seem to
      lose their shyness.

Nodoka: True. For example, there was the weekend that both Akane and
        Ranma were conceived, these two...

Genma: No-chan! Please! Not that.

Soun: (Groaning) Please Nodoka, she might ask me to *show* her what we
      did, and I'm not that young anymore.

Miko: This sounds interesting.

Akane:  That's for sure.

Nodoka: Ask me later, Miko. Maybe we'd best keep it between us though.
        The girls might not be ready for it yet.

Soun: (Pounding head on table and muttering) I'm dead. Dead (thump)
      dead (thump) dead (thump) dead (thump)...

=== End Episode 5 ===

C&C is welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to
twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively complete
drafts are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/.

    Source: geocities.com/twrensch