Delta Phi Delta
menu painting copyright Tina Meschko

Delta Phi Delta

Delta Phi Delta is Texas Woman's University's visual art honor society, probably best known for our annual Italian Night dinner and silent art auction. We offer scholarships and leadership opportunities to all art majors. Use the links on the left to find out anything and everything you need to know about the organization. If you have a question not covered on the site, just use the Email link to write for an answer.

President: Heather Harrison
Vice President:
Advisor/Treasurer: Dr. John Calabrese
Public Relations:
Grants Chairman:
Webmistress: Beth Dobbs

“The contents of this web page are the sole responsibility of Delta Phi Delta and its contributors, and do not necessarily represent the official statements, opinions or policies of Texas Woman’s University. The administrator of this web page is Beth Dobbs, who may be contacted at Unofficial information may be posted and maintained by TWU faculty, staff and student groups or individuals. TWU does not accept any responsibility or liability for any information contained on these pages. Information of any type should be verified by direct contact with appropriate University officials for accuracy and timeliness.”

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