2006 Taiwan Women Winter Camp in Boston, 12/28-31
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Gender, Sexuality, and Body Politics

Three decades ago, a group of women who were inspired by Women’s Movement met in Boston discussing their body experiences. They found that most had suffered from feelings of frustration and anger toward the medical maze and thus, realized how much women needed to have access to the knowledge of body. These women worked together to write a women health booklet addressing women’s needs from a female perspective. The product ended up with a big book Our Bodies, Ourselves, which is considered a milestone of contemporary women health movement. The theme of Taiwan Women’s 2006 winter camp is about Gender, Sexuality, and Body Politics. We decide to have the winter camp in Boston to reflect the history of women’s health movement.

Taiwan Women is a network founded in 1995 to facilitate communication and co-operation among Taiwanese women studying or living in the U.S. who are interested in gender issues and current situation of Taiwanese women. By discussing gender-related issues and sharing our experiences, we hope to cultivate a channel of female voices. We hope to strengthen the solidarity of our sisterhood so we may combat gender inequality and succeed in shaping a new beautiful Taiwanese society!

We sincerely invite you to participate in the dialogues about our bodies and our diverse experiences, to share life stories and to reach for coalition! This year’s camp program includes panels on reproduction, motherhood, abortion, teenager pregnancy, sex work, ethnographic research on female flight attendants in Taiwan, and various gender-themed panels such as fashion and female body image, and a special workshop provided by the Center for Sex and Culture. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all in Boston.

Registration Fee:
Before 12/10: USD 200 (including 3 nights accommodation)    After 12/10: USD 250
No accommodation required: USD 105

Hyatt Regency Boston
One Avenue de Lafayette, Boston , Massachusetts, USA 02111
Tel: (617) 912-1234 Fax: (617) 451-2198

Special note: Men are welcomed to join our winter camp. But in order to create a safer environment for women to talk freely, there will be a quota assigned to men in our camp. We are limiting the number of men to 1/4 of the attendance. So if you are male and interested in joining our camp, do know that you are welcomed but send in your registration form early to ensure a seat. Thanks!