
¤ The Things People Say

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"I'm not going to say anything stupid."

"Guys like things they can hold onto, that's why they play with their dicks so much."

"If it's square and pointy at the same time, would it be a pentagon?"

"Liz you're confusing me. Liiiiii~iiiiiiz."

"This is machine gun learning."
--Steve Y

"I ate half the turkey but then my dad called me a pig and I stopped."

"Life is like a depressed bike..."

"I think muscles are overrated because I don't have 'em."
--Steve Y

"Look, there's a man in a cowboy hat."
"I'm going to marry that guy."
  Katie, Nicole

"The guy with a J in his name."
"You mean, Zack?"
  Christina, Gina

"You need to stop letting your pillow rule your life, Erika."
"I know, but I love it..."
  Liz, Erika

"Oh, if she died I'd go pee on her grave."
-- Steve Y <

"They have man legs."
"They all have man legs."
"They are men."
At this point, I really can't remember who said what... ::shrugs:: From Crysta's party! ^^

"It's glitterific."

"I'm tall for my height."

"There's no real flowery way to put this... Bring a condom."

"Don't make me pretend to backhand you."
-- Steve Y

"Finish it off and pee in the bottle."

"No mingle, no mingle...! I'm antisocial."

"Do you know where the wicked go after death?"
  Brocklehurst ((from a really bad movie version of Jane Eyre, the best book in the universe)), Mike ((one of my absolute favourite classmates... Even if he can't remember my name))

"How do you spell 'again'?"

"He's wiser than the farmer."

"I am the dendrite."

"Do you think it hurts Miss Heinen's face to look like that?"

"Are we underwater?"
"Yes, we're going to drown."
  Chris, Cindy

"Were the Twin Towers really THAT tall?"

"I heard she was a hermaphrodite."

"I look like a homo-- homo... Hobo."

"Bad things are bad... Meow."

"You're making Micheal Jackson look black."

"You're just jealous cause I'm in a boy band."

"Chris isn't here, this is Sam."

"We are the boy band."

"I've never heard myself snore."

"When's the peanut guy going to come by?"

"That's why I don't have a tongue."

"Multiorgasmic is a funny word."

"Steve is so funny; I could look at him and just giggle for hours."

"It's hot in here. I may have to get naked."

"I'm not going to ask why there was pubic hair in my shoe."

"I just remembered I'm not wearing any underwear... Uh oh well hey I'm going to entertain you with words from Sean..."

"I keep willing them to burst into flames but it's not working."

"Ugh... Sparknotes isn't opening. I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes."

"You know, bees can smell fear."
--Matt K

"We're playing with your valve."

"Television is the Satan Box."
--Josh Boyd

"Where the hell did my pen go?"
"Sorry. Where the crap did my pen go?"
  Josh, Mrs Williams

"Forget everybody else, I'm just going to marry him."

"I'm not going to college... I'm too stupid to apply."

"I love my dad, he's such a jackass."
--Nicole Be.

"Girls are just boys without penises..."
--Brandon E.

"At least my screwed is justified."
--Brandon E.

"I'm not learning anything. Chemistry is useless."
--Jenny P.

"Hold on, you caught me in a confused moment."
--Jackie N.

"I was in the bathroom when the bell rang and you can't just stop."

"How long can you live with unlimited water and a can of corn?"
--Jon C

"I need glasses."
"You're wearing glasses."
"Oh, that's right. I need new glasses."
 Matt K, Mike T

"Diet root beer is like the platypus..."
--Evan G

"If some rubbed your head against the whiteboard wouldn't you squeak too?"
--Heather A

"What's another song I can sing?"
"Anything not from the god-damned-fucking musical!"
 Alex R, Erika

"Damn vaginas!"

"Is that your knuckles cracking or my shirt ripping?"
--Alex R

"Yeah, my birth canal is really wide."

"I have a nice penis."
--Evan-from-County's-drumline I think his name is longer than his quote.

"I don't want to eat this meat anymore."

"He was in the middle of fucking his duck and a bunch of geese flew over."

"It does smell good. I want to rub it all over my body."
--Darryl That was the hair gel Crysta got me with... It's all fruity smelling.

"I don't want you to urinate on me."

"No, chocolate body paint taht you can't eat."

"Holy crap, Darryl's hanging out!"
 Chris/Cecil, Darryl

"The sweaty rubbing?"

"Can you do me with Leo?"

"Please don't get turned on by my organizer; I'll never look at it the same way again."

"He's not pointless, he's pointy."

"Lick my pants. I swear it'll taste good."

"Say hi to my one-legged penguin."

"Why is this balloon covered in cheese?"

"Take the diseased balloon. I do not-it's attached to the red one."

"I think you've got something really unnatural going on down there."

"Swish it around, maybe it'll go away."

"We each had one cymbok and we ran into each other."

"One joint, and you can control time."
--Chris/Cecil We watched "Reefer Madness," also known as "Tell Your Children" It's hysterical.

"When was the last time you hit someone with a lightning bolt?"

"Did you just say I have a crotch fetish?"

"Doo di doo! It's the super slut squad!"

"Oh God, it's like Zamer gone wrong."

"What is a fart but the lonely cry of an imprisoned turd?"

"Come HERE you spastic little beast!"
--Mike And he wasn't even talking to me. Surprising, no?

"I always ate the things that were supposed to put hair on my back and unfortunately they put hair everywhere."

"It's a fork-beating offense now."

"I have bad eye nose coordination."

"Black is not a happy Care Bear colour."

"I didnt say it would be the kind of tickly that makes ya all giggly... could be the light kinda tickley that kinda makes ya go... UMMMM do that again."

"I'm going to eat my piroulines. You whore."

"YES! I get to write a manifesto. I've always wanted to write a manifesto."

"You left me to get raped like a choir boy in the catholic church."
--name withheld :)

"Don't get the drunks all confused."
--src:Erika Apparently some guy at Tuesday's said it

"40 year old bald fat men that look like Charlie Brown don't get laid."
--Nikki I have no idea which Nikki...

"When will they learn that most people don't want penis AND breast enlargements?"

IcelightningMD: Hello! Are you going to be in school in the morning?
AnDesha Danin: Nope.
IcelightningMD: Okay. I'll hide from Erin then. Although she usually disappears anyways if she hears that you're not coming.
AnDesha Danin: ...That's depressing.
IcelightningMD: It was supposed to be.

Zamer: "When you sing these spirituals you have to really moan! The pain these people went through.. whips chains..."
Monique: "Fire hoses!"
Me: "Wrong era time period there monique. That was the 60's and 70's."
Monique: "I don't know I'd still be moanin'!"

"All will die ..... but first cupcakes."

Andrew: "All will die, no cupcakes this time, just death!"
Aaron makes a little motion.
Andrew: "No not even a little cupcake."
Aaron: "Cookie?"
Andrew: "No cookies and no cupcakes. Nope not even a banana beforehand, just straight death."

site content © me, 2000-2002. No distribution without consent. Don't think I won't know if I see it.