CAP TX129 - Squadron Info


FWSS meets every Tuesday night at 7 pm at the Meacham Intnl Airport Terminal downstairs. We welcome new members over 18 who are interested in community action, working with youth and in mission flying.  Provide a real service, instead of just boring holes in the sky building hours!

CAP crest and motto

Our squadron typically numbers about 40 strong. Backgrounds range widely from career airline and military pilots to observers and students - a rich mix of experience & enthusiasm! And if you have kids ages 13-18 interested in aviation, please contact Phoenix Composite Squadron, which is also located at Meacham Intnl.

Our squadron supports all three legs of the CAP charter - Emergency Services, Cadet programs & Aerospace Education. Our primary focus is on the first two, with the heaviest activities in virtually all aspects of CAP mission flying and also in cadet flying. It makes for a busy group of dedicated volunteers with something going on almost every day of the week, year-round.


We are custodians for an excellent 2005 Cessna 182T that is fully equipped to fly all the missions noted above.  (See Aircraft Info page for details.)

Thanks go to Texas Jet for renting us a hangar at Meacham for our aircraft and letting us use their executive jet facilities for flight planning, and to Meacham Airport for our meeting facilities downstairs in the terminal.

Our squadron presently has no financial sponsor (just dedicated members), but would be proud to have one.

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