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AustinGayDates.com  A fantastic dating site filled with single gay men and lesbian women all looking to meet someone. You can search the numerous profiles, and find someone you like, or just hang out and maybe someone will find you. Browse through thousands of profiles and you can specify exactly what you're looking for. At AustinGayDates.com, everyone is single and looking to hook up.

Yahoo Personals--Gay/Lesbian -  For those seeking discreet, intimate, or sexual relationships, the IWantU Gay and Lesbian Club is a good choice. A little racier than their 'dating' version. As a VIP member, you'll have unlimited access to all existing and future IwantU features, including the Photo Gallery and personal ads, IwantU Chat rooms, games, Aphrodite's love advice and much more! IwantU dating site is one of the largest online dating sites.

Gay.Date.com - - Gay.Date.com is a fantastic dating site filled with single men and women all looking to meet someone. You can search the numerous profiles, and find someone you like, or just hang out and maybe someone will find you. Browse through thousands of profiles and you can specify exactly what you're looking for. At Gay.Date.com, everyone is single and looking to hook up. There are chat rooms set up for all ages and sexual preferences. If you have a special hobby or fetish, set up your own chat room!! Want to talk more intimately or go one-on-one with someone you like!! Go for it! It's a fun easy way to meet other singles! This is a hot dating site.

Gay.com - Gay and Lesbian -  With over 2 million members, Gaycom is one of the biggest gay dating services. Gaycom is a dating service specifically targeted toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Free membership lets you post a profile with photos and browse personals. You can connect instantly and chat with the real-time messaging and chat service. Upload private pictures to share with anyone you like. Gaycom video chat lets you share your live, real-time video for FREE with anyone - all you need is a web cam. Also the most up-to-date information for the gay community that we could find.

Match.com- Gay and Lesbian One of the best and biggest matchmaking dating sites on the internet. This is an excellent dating site loaded with extras. Creating and posting a profile is free and takes only a few minutes to go through the easy steps. Once your profile's complete, the exclusive two-way match maker technology will compare your profile responses with other members, helping you to meet your match! You can have match.com automatically search the massive database to seek out your matches and deliver the newest profiles directly to your inbox.

Matchmaker Gay/Lesbian - Over 700000 members and growing! Free membership will let you submit ads and upload a photo if you wish. You can also reply to ads and send messages and of course browse all profiles and ads and join general chat. Paid membership gives you unlimited access with no restrictions. You can then view the hot X-rated shots. You get lots of other benefits like unlimited ad replies and messages. Join SexyAds dating site today and get started on those adult personal ads to find the love & romance you deserve!

True  - Gay and Lesbian looking for fast easy access to hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians looking for dating, romance, and love. It's free to join up and take advantage of True.com, chat, and message boards.

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