Leonard Milholland has changed his prototype Legal Eagle Ultralight, and is in the process of issuing a mandatory change order for the brace wires that attach to the vertical fin.  His two wires are now parallel and have two attach points rather than both attaching to the rear vertical tube.
   Until an offical change order is published, Leonard is asking that builders contact him for the details of this change.     
(Per 5/25/02 visit with  Mr. Milholland at his  hangar.)      Details are now on his web site, click here.
My Legal Eagle Ultralight
Plans Updates & Builder Mods for the Legal Eagle Ultralight
compiled by Paul Loghry    (updated 8-11-2002)
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Photos and text by Paul L. Loghry. All rights reserved.
Please e-mail a request if you would like to use a photo or other content.
Longer Wings:   Lengthen the wing by one bay on each wing panel at the fuselage end.  (This was first recommended for the heavy pilot or ones at high density altitude.)   Leonard said, "when adding a section to the wings one should install jury struts I have a drawing of the struts and the fittings for the wings its real simple but the struts will be longer and that requires some stiffing and jury struts are a good way to go  also be sure to add the extra bay on the fuselage end and leave the out board end as is" (LM e-mail 2-18-02) : Caution: This has not been tested yet.
This link (Steve Keblinger) has additional info, shows details on hinges and the parallel wires. http://www.angoraaffaire.com/leu/empennage.htm
   Jury struts are now mandatory for Legal Eagles using the round struts.  Leonard has drawings available, for the jury struts and the attach points inside the wing.  Also, click on this link to Steve Keblinger's site to see a drawing.