**Dedicated To A Very Special Angel**

She's the closest friend I've ever had
I love her truly I do,
You don't understand what her friendship is
worth, so this is what I write to you...
I never knew what a true best friend was...well
at least until I met her.
It brightens up my day just to see her
I've cried, she's seen
I laugh, she beams
and when in pain she is there to still my
She knows just what to say on those not so
great days
She's a person with the simplest of ways.
I don't know what I'd do without her love
She's like an angel sent from up above
I try my best to do for her what she has done
for me
So this poem is from my heart
Where you've been for four long years,
I want you to know that I hold you close and
very, very dear,
I want to let you know Brandy,
You are my greatest friend.

I Love You Brandy

**This Angel**

**This Angel**



**This Angel Whisper was adopted by Midwinter's Dream**

Globes by Sassy