Wednesday, September 20, 2000
1:00 P.M.

Dear Donnie,

If you should happen to come across this, I do hope that you will take time to see what is written here.

As of right now, my mind is blank. There is so much that I would like to write in this letter to you. But, I am afraid, I cannot put any of these feelings into words. I want to tell you that you are a fabulous artists, but I am sure you have heard that many times before. I want to say that you are quite the site for sore eyes, but I know you've heard that too. *sigh* What else can I say?

So, because I cannot write down my feelings, I will end this letter here. I hope that you can feel my admiration. *smilez*


Tuesday, June 12, 2001
11:19 A.M.

Dear Donnie,

Today I discovered on your webpage that there was a link from your webpage to mine. I am very honored to see my webpage linked with yours. You are one of my most favorite artists.

I do not have a list of your accomplishments, nor do I have a collection of your pictures to show the world. But, I hope that with my words, those that read my webpage can feel that you are a great inspiration to me.

I do hope that I will see more of you in the theaters. I would love to be able to watch you or your work on regular television as in Germany, but unfortunately, I cannot. So, I hope that you will continue to appear in American movies for those of us who are in love with you and your work, here in America.
