These are my true ghost stories!  No matter if you believe them or not, they happened and so I want to share them with you.  So don't be skeptical.  Life is a whole lot more fun if you are not skeptcal.
Just don't get scared either.
The Silhouette. One night, in a house I use to live in, I was sleeping on the top bunk of my bunk bed.  Now, there is one thing about me you should know so that this story make a bit more since to you.  I love to sleep when I am asleep.  If I wake up and I don't have to be up I go right back to sleep.  That being said, I will continue my story.  Anyway, like I was saying... I was sleeping on the top bunk of my bunk bed in my room when I suddenly woke up.  I didn't think anything of it, but then I felt like someone was looking at me from my door way.  So I looked down to the doorway and saw a silhouette.  Normally I would have just thought that it was someone in my family, but this was a silhouette of a grown man that was almost as tall as the doorway and pretty wide too.  The sholders were broad and square and I would say the build of a 190 to 200 pound man.  So I am looking down at this silhouette thinking, "my eyes must be playing tricks on me."  So I look away from the door, rub my eyes, and make sure I can see the rest of the room perfectly.  When my eyes had totally focused I looked back at the door expecting to see nothing out of the ordinary, the silhouette was still there.  The weird thing about this, besides the fact that there was no grown man in the house at the time, was that inside the silhouette it was darker than anywhere around it.  I could see the wall through the darkness to the side of it, but it was too dark to see through the silhouette itself.  After I had been staring at this appearance for about a minute or two, it slowly started to disappear, and then it was gone.  After it had vanished, I shrugged my shoulders, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep!
* A strange thing about this particular house is that there is a chimney but no fire place.  It had been taken out before we moved in and boarded over!   Makes you wonder....
The Girl. This one is short, but it is kind of freaky.  The strange thing is it happened in broad day light.  It was the first summer that I lived at the last house I lived at.  My friend, my brother and I were the only ones at home.  We were playing games on the computer when for some reason, I can't remember exactly why, I went out in the back yard to do something.  So I go into the kitchen and out the door that leads from the kitchen to the patio.  I walk outside and when I am about two or three feet away from the doo I hear it slam shut and someone lock it.  I turn around expecting to see my little brother or my friend (who is a tall male) locking the door.  To my astonishment, when I turned around to see who was going to get it later I saw a little girl, about twelve years old, skinny with sholder length blond hair, and about four foot eight inches dash away from the door.  I tried to blame it on my brother since he was the closest to the height of the girl, but when I asked him why he did it my friend looked at me like I was crazy and said,  He was here the whole time!  I'm telling you, this house has ghosts.
Click Here to email me with your true ghost stories!  Click on the link and put,  Ghost Story in the subject.  Don't forget to include your name.
One night I was sitting in my T.V. room with my girlfriend and her friend when suddenly the hall closet door just burst open.  This was in the middle of August, 2001; and has happened 3 times now unusually.  What I mean by unusually is, there are a lot of towels in the closet so if you don't shut the door all the way it will come back open.  Of course, that is normal.  But the freaky thing is, you can close it all the way where it latches shut and the knob is not turned at all and hours later, out of no where, it will spring open.
One day, my sister was in my brother's room laying on his bed.  He had just gotten out of the bathroom and had not turned the light off.  She kept closing and opening her eyes, and though noone went near the bathroom, one time she opened her eyes the light was off!!
June 28, 2001, my sister Rebecca was hospitalized due to problems with her stomach.  I talked to her on June 29 on the phone for the last time befor she went in to have surgery for a burst appendix.   She was on life support for almost a month and had many surgeries due to her problems, the doctors were saying that she could die at any time.   On July 21 I would be visiting my sister for the last time.   Even though she was in a coma I would talk to her as if she were awake.   For the first time she responded to my touch, when I spoke to her she moved her fingers and when I said,  I want you to know I love you and if you are ready to go I will understand," a tear ran out of her closed eye and she puckered her lips as if giving me a kiss.   She was schedualed for surgery the next day and I told her I would be back but if she had to go I would understand.  About midnight I called the hospital and they told me that she was having to have another chest tube put in due to her lung collapsing, they were trying to bring her back as we spoke, and I needed to get there ASAP.   On my way to the hospital I was riding in total silence praying when all of a sudden my radio came on by itself.   I looked at it, turned it up and the song Let's Kiss and Say Good-bye was playing and those exact words were being sung.   All of a sudden I felt something on my cheek as if someone kissed me.  I was five minutes away from the hospital so I floored it.  When I got to the ICU door her doctor came out and said,  "I am sorry, your sister has passed."   She had died at the same time the radio came on and I felt a kiss in the car.   So she told me good-bye and gave me a kiss, and now when I hear that song I can wipe my cheak and it will be wet from a kiss.   So to those who don't believe,  my sister made me believe,  they are there watching us.
The following story was sent in to me by someone who wanted to share their experience with the supernatural.  This is just one example that the spirit does live on.  Whether it appears in the form of a ghost or an angel-such as I would classify the following story- the human spirit does live on.  Thank you for this wonderful story.
My Stories!
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