
First Building a Park
When you are first creating your park, don't build 4 rides at once with your $10,000. It's a good idea to build a non-expensive such as a Merry-Go-Round or a Farris Wheel. Once you got that done, open your park and once you got a little bit more money, build a roller coaster or something. Keep doing the same thing over and over; build roller coaster, wait for profit; build another.

Side Shops
When you first open your park with a few rides, it will be crowded. But as time goes by, the following will be the cause of you losing customers:
  • Hunger
  • Thirst
  • Bathroom level
  • Lost
  • No Umbrellas when raining
    That's why it's a good idea to set up consession stands around the park. Have a good balance of everything.

    Entrance & Ride Fees
    Be careful not to charge too much on rides. For a merry-go-round it should be from $0.50 to a $1.00. A roller coaster should be about $1.00 to $5.00. At first your park should have an entrance fee of about $4.00. As time goes buy keep increasing it little by little. The maximum amount I would have would be $25.00.

    Broken Down Rides
    Be sure hire plenty of mechanics to fix the rides once they've broken down.

    Litter and Cleanness
    Be sure to hire plenty of handymen to keep litter off the ground and mow the grass.

    Be sure to hire a few security gaurds to make sure there's no stolen property.

    Hire a few entertainers to shake away boredom when waiting in a line.

    Intense Rides
    When nobody is going on you're ride, and their thoughts read,"The ______ looks too intense for me." then you need to make it less intense. You may have some really fast turns or very steep drops. Loosin up the turns by making the perimeter wider. Also if you have a really tall steep drop. It has to gradually form into a steep drop and gradually level out. Here are some examples:

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