Welcome to Fuji's Frank Zappa web page!

This page is new & will be changing a lot as time passes.You may be wondering to yourself OH NO ANOTHER ZAPPA page! Well I have lots to say & on the 88 tour i collected a bunch of cool stuff i plan to scan.

To start i guess i should introduce myself.....I am Fuji. I have been a Zappa fan for many years. Back in '88 i was lucky enough to see most of Franks US shows. Something like 28 outta 32! Thru the years I have met a lot of friends. Gerry Fialka who used to work at Pumpkin is a doll & in a round about way he is the reason i have become friends with Kerry !If she didnt know him she never would have met my friend Eric who took her on a wild adventure to Zappa house! 
FULL STORY HERE Eric Buxton did most of  the 88 tour with me, I see Greg B. all the time since we live in the same town & we are friends. Frank registered him to vote on stage at nassau, & you can hear him sing Crew Slut live in concert i belive it was opening nite of the '88 tour.(Asked Greg he said was Washington, was like the 5th show!) Mike Keneally winds up being cousins with my brothers partner,& the list goes on !  I will be adding all sorts fun tidbits & stories. I hope you enjoy & come back soon!!!!!!!

Here are 4 pictures i have scanned.I haven't seen these posted anyplace else.(my fav is Frank in an evening gown!)The backgrounds on these 4 pages are also very cool They are all set lists that Frank himself wrote out. During the '88 i became friends with Franks guitar roadie who was none other then Merl Suanders Jr. Yes thats right...... all you Deadheads know that name! One of the set lists still has the electrical tape Frank used to tape it to his mic stand! Click on the picture to see set lists & the pictures full size............
feel free to steal em ........just pls link back to my page?Yeah right like you gonna show people where you stole the pictures from?! What the hell am i thinking!?

Many people asked why i say fu*k you to Ed Mann heres the story

Want to read the
story of our 8 hour road trip from Rochester Ny to Burlington Vt?
It will explain alot if you have a copy of the tape from that nite!

More stories

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Zappa av page for V.P.

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E-mail me at tyedybiker@aol.com

Ok i have alotta stuff to still put up here & i am getting confused & not sure what people wanna read! Please e-mail me if you want more stories & let me know.....I also have this great documention that Den Sims did of the 88 tour want to read some of that? Help me!!!!!!! Let me know what ya want me to post I have so much stuff! Wanna see the rooming list? The official copy of the iterary? scans of the united mutations folder from original zappa fan club? The questionnaire the band members each filled out? HELP I am drowning here & i need some feedback what ya wanna see! Thanks