Wow! It's been a very long time since I've updated! As it turns out, my computer was infected with an ebil virus, and it's taken ages to get rid of it. You know, that one virus where your computer turns off on it's own and won't let you download anything? That was the virus. Anyway, I've got some bad, sad, devestating news...*sniff*...that terrible virus happened to eat away at all my files, therefore corrupting all of my Petz and everything else. I had made copies of those files earlier, but they somehow got corrupted as well, because it turns out I've had this virus since forever. :(

So, now that my computer has fully healed, it is like one of those patients who get this terrible illness and almost die, but they recover but their mind's all cleared out and they can't remember anything. I had to reinstal Petz and do everything new. So I've decided to start off fresh, from scratch with Meadow Mist, and I might even form a new name for it.

So be expecting a new and fantastic layout, along with new and old features. But since I'll mainly be starting from scratch (aside from reusing some of my old HTML codes) it's going to take a bit of time. But I'll try to open up Meadow Mist as soon as possible, even though there won't be much in the beginning, so you guys don't have to wait forever. :D

Hope to be hearing from all you guys very, very soon!
Everyone in the PC is awesome! ^.^

P.S. **New update!** I have my layout finished and the features are all basically added. I'm going to open Meadow Mist early, now, so you can start sending in adoptions, etc!!!!!!!!
Meadow Mist

Be sure to help Meadow Mist have a good start, by voting for us at the Petz Top 50 (link below)! Click there and you will have voted for us! Thanks!!!