News from Kefalonia





'Ayios Gerasimos'






 August, hectic August has left us and the wonderful September weather is upon us. Yes at long last the weather is back to normal, we can all sleep again at night.


Saint Gerasimos was carried safe and sound back to his resting place after the all night vigil on August 15th including a service and parade of remembrance of his passing on 16th August.

The next celebration will take place on 20th October when once again the pilgrims will arrive to celebrate the date that the Saint's body was exhumed in 1581 and was miraculously found to be intact.


The small harmless snakes reappeared this year during August at Arginia and the Church of Our Lady at Markopoulo also the lilies bloomed once more at Demousandata and Pastra. So all is well and the island has been blessed with good fortune once again for the forthcoming year.


The filming of Captain Corelli's Mandolin has been completed and only a handful of the workmen are left this week to remove the remains of the impressive sets that were purpose built for the making of the film.

Islanders and tourists alike are eagerly awaiting the release

of this multi-million dollar blockbuster which casts

 Nicholas Cage, Penelope Cruz and John Hurt

 in the leading roles.



'An old wine press'




Early Harvest


The islanders can now get down to the real hard work of wine making. The Harvest has had to begin in earnest earlier than normal this year as the grapes are ready to be harvested and processed. The six main producers of wine are busy collecting their yield, not only for the home market but to be sent all over Europe. As today Kefalonian wines have been rediscovered and Kefalonia now produces both it Regional Wine as well as Table Wines to a high standard and quality.



Is befittingly the island's very own appellation of origin. The vines thrive on the limestone slopes of Mount Ainos and also in and around the Omala plateau, as it requires little soil, cool weather and plenty of sunshine to bear its fruits, which are delicate in flavour and golden in colour. This wine however does have to be properly produced, as with most wines you do have to be aware of inferior qualities. Robola wine can only gain this distinction when produced from grapes grown in one of the seven restricted geographical areas of Kefalonia which lay in the southern-central mountainous sector of the island and offer the ideal soil and climatic conditions to produce the grapes. A well produced Robola is white and dry, with a distinctive aroma, and characteristically acidic in flavour with the taste of fresh fruit.




Challenges Facing Fire Volunteer


 Dionyssis Tzortzatos a volunteer fireman from Dilinata has been charged of arson. Accused of setting fire with the intent of causing damage in a number of areas on the island over a period of time. Dionyssis a driving instructor by profession, has had the backing of most of the islanders since his arrest. Most locals seem to be in agreement that this man, known for many years as a volunteer fire fighter, could not be capable of committing such a crime. Hundreds of supporters shouted in protest whilst waiting outside the courthouse in the capital of Argostoli, during the hearing on Tuesday.

 Mr Tzortzatos appeared with his solicitor to tumultuous applause.

After making a short statement he was taken away in a police van with the crowd still protesting his innocence.

Following a postponement of the prceedings on Thursday of the same week, the rowdy demonstration concluded in an unruly mob making its way to the Prefectures office. Subsequent to scuffles with the police a deputation of three were told by local officials


"Let the criminal courts do their duty, and that justice will prevail."


We await the verdict!



By Sue & Ian Thompson, Kefalonia.

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