Who is this Rallaxan guy anyway?
This is the REAL Rallaxan, me, Mister Rallaxan to you, also known as 'The guy who wishes he was Tyler Durden.'  Likes to hang out in Xezadha Cathedral, Medievia City, Trellor, MedLink, and Shadmire if he has someone to back him up.  His Medievia friends irl include Kralac, Rallac, Kebok, Granity, Xek, Xanatopsis, Rallarc, Jamielyn, Elkora, Chao, and Adamalia.  He's currently working on levelling up to multiclass and earning enough money to start a clan that will be known as The Bleak Cabal, or something to that effect, he's not quite certain about it yet.  He's 18 and lives somewhere in Arkansas.
Check out the Alein Head boxers, Smiley-face shirt, dogtags, and Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver in the background.  He would really appreciat it if any god or godess would create for him a Medievia-style Smiley-face shirt...puweeez!?