Scrapals 2000 Retreat

After being together on our list for 3 years we decided it was time that we able to meet. The idea of an annual Scrapals retreat was born. The first year we had our retreat was the year 2000. We held it in Bodega Bay, California in a home we rented on the ocean. The setting was very nice and peaceful, well except for our house where all the crazy scrappers were at. We stayed for 7 days and had the time of our life. The home was nice, there was room for growth and improvement which we learn with each year so that each year is better and better. We spent a day shopping the surrounding areas and that was a truly fun time for all of us. We spent many hours Scrapbooking, talking, eating and playing games. It was the beginning of a great tradition that I hope will last for many more years. Below are a few pictures from our first retreat.

Official Scrapal Photo                                1st Night Shopping Trip

Scrapals in the Sand                                The Scrapping Area

Some Fun for the Girls                                    "The House"

                                  Article about our group in
                                     Memory Makers.