nglish to nter Celtic

This vocabulary will grow as more words get added.


abbot - aba

able (to be able) to dare - lavy

and - ag

apostle - apasdyl

at, on - err


be (v) - ois

believe - creddy

big, great - mor

blade, sword - lain

book - lievvyr


calf - leuegh

Celtic - Celltiecc

clay, mire - laidych

complaint, sigh - acoin

confluence - abyr

create - cru


dare (v) to be able - lavy

day - did

devil - diaul

door - dors


elm tree - liev

enclosure, land - lan


fetters - langfedyr

for, to - da

foolish, insipid, lame - levryd

full - lan


good - ma

great, big - mor

ground (n) - laur


hand (n) - lau

he, him - e, he

hero, soldier - leic

his,her - egh ( her causes mutation)

house - ti


I, me - mi

in - enn (prep)

insipid, foolish, lame - levryd

it - i, hi


kindle, light (v) - las


lame, insipid, foolish - levryd

land, enclosure - lan

language - lavyrt

light, kindle (v) - las

loose, slack - las


man - dunn

me, I - mi

mire, clay - laidych

morning - bary


negative particle - ( affixes h to following vowels) nigh

night - noct

new - niuidd


on, at - err

only, self - hein


ridiculous - beis

river - auinn


self, only - hein

she - i, hi

slack, loose - las

sluggish, weak - lag

soldier, hero - leic

sword, blade - lain


the (def. article) - yn

they - aid

thief - ladyrn

to, for - da


unite (v) - covein

us,we - muijj


we,us - muijj

weak, sluggish - lag

will be - bid

woman - benn

would be - bidyn


you (pl. and formal) - siv

you (singular and informal) - ti