Tazhi to English Vocabulary

(as of 4/10/00)

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[ A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z ]

The words which appear in // slashes are fixes. They can function as words by themselves, they can function as prefixes, or they can function as suffixes.

The words that appear after a single slash / are suffixes only.


a [conj] - and
/ab/ - maybe

aba [prep] - from (coming out of)
abadu [n] - city
ablo [vb] - to be able
abra [prep] - into
/ac/ - to shut

acariu [n] - store
aco [vb] - buy, purchase
acreiche [adj] - eclectic
acreo [vb] - gather, bring together
/ad/ - month

/af/ - abandon

afne [adj] - fraudulent, fake, phoney
/ag/ - sunshine

/al/ - window

ale [adj] - all
alte [adj] - old
amo [vb] - to love
/an/ - woman

anlu [n] - lesson
anze [adj] - north
anzu [n] - (the) north
/ap/ - bad

/ar/ - to fear

/arc - year

arge [adj] - big (argere - bigger; argese - biggest)
/arn - scatter

artariu [n] - art gallery or museum
arte [adj] - artistic
artu [n] - art
arty [adv] - artistically
/as/ - waken

/ash/ - into

asna [conj] as (he smiled ~ he left the room)
/at/ - travel

atre [adj] - entire
/av/ - soon

avolisu [n] - pilot (of an airplane)
avolo [vb] - to fly
avolotsu [n] - airplane

aza [conj] - where (the place ~ it will be found)

/azh/ - middle


/ba/ -beautifull

baku [n] - tree
bartampu [n] - marketplace
barto [vb] - trade, swap, barter
/be/ liquid

bedu [n] - page, sheet
beo [v] - to be, is, am, are
/bi/ - length

bisutu [n] - cart (horse drawn)
/bla -to breathe

/ble -enough

/bli -whole, all there

/blo -at all

/blu - too, also

/bo- -sence

boro [vb] - borrow
boshlu [n] - tree (usually said of a small tree or bush)

/bra - easily

/bre - operation, process

/bri - with difficulty

/bro - tonite

/bru - shoe


/ca/ - again

/ce/ - poor

chalu [n] - cup, drinking glass
/ci/ - but, accept

/cla - awakening, enlightenment

/cle - any

/cli - to lay

/clo - engine

/clu - to be blameless

/co/ - price

colariu [n] - museum
colibunatu [n] - vocabulary
colo [vb] - to collect
colu [n] - collection, usu. for display.

/cra - to heat

/cre - to avoid

/cri - here

/cro - truck

/cru - must, have to

/cu/ - or


da [n] - there (that place)
dano [vb] - give, donate

/de/ - fast, quick
delbo [vb] - to delve, dig
denko [vb] - to think
denzu [n] - distance
desko [vb] - find, discover

/di/ - direct, straight
dibre [adj] - both
diona - eleven (see numbers)

/do/ - unit of measure for distance (mile)
domariu [n] - dormitory
domo [vb] - to live, reside or dwell
domu [n] - dwelling

/dra - a person, someone
dramariu [n] - theater
dramo [vb] - to act, to dramatize
dramu [n] - drama or play

/du/ - fat


/eb/ - pass by

/ec/ - that (rel. clause)

/ed/ - above

/ef/ - always

/eg/ - dog

/el/ - never

/em/ - admit

emu [n] - the east
/en/ - understand

/ep/ - burst

/er/ - speed

erbu [n] - mountain
/erc - really, truly

ere [adj] - other
/ern - welcome

/es/ - to burn

esaritu [n] - outdoor restaurant or eating area
esariu [n] - restaurant
/esh/ - there is no, there is not

eso [vb] to eat
esorim [n] - dinning room
estiariu [n] - study hall
estio [vb] to study
estiorim [n] - study (room)
/et/ - remove

/ev/ - believe

exy [adv] - out

/ezh/ - every

/ez/ - approach


/fa/ - revolve

fave - [adj] - favorite
faviku [n] - my favorite (also faviki, favitu, faviti, favivu, favivi)
favikue [adj] - my favorite

/fe/ - king
fele [adj] - happy
felertu [n] - happiness
feuro [vb] - bake, fire

/fi/ - on
fide [adj] - faithful
fido [vb] - to be faithful
fidu [n] - faith
findisa - fifty (see numbers)
finsa - five (see numbers)
fiso [vb] - to fish
fisu [n] - fish

/fla - mother

/fle - to stop

/fli - somewhat

/flo - spirit/soul

/flu - to type

/fo/ - self

/fra - what

/fre - boring

/fri - home

/fru - poem
/fu/ - through

fraju [n] - piece, fragment, chunk


/ga/ - child

gamo [vb] - to play, as in a game
gamorim [n] - game room
gamu [n] - game
/ge/ - building

geno [vb] - create; make (mako)
/gi/ - safe

glose [adj] - flat, smooth
go [vb] - go
gomo [vb] - glue
gomu [n] - glue
gomuno [vb] - glue together, conglomerate, agglutinate
gomunu [n] - conglumerate
gomunache [n] - conglomeration
goniche [adj] - gone, departed (goniche ani = years ago)
gu [n] - sap, pitch (tree sap)
guno [vb] - to know
guznu [n] - man


/ha/ there is, there are

habo [vb] - to have
hakate [adj] - strong
/he/ - sauce

hero [vb] - to adhere to, stick to, follow as in ~ the rules.
/hi/ - follow, to track

hichampu [n] - battlefield
hicho [vb] - to battle
hichu [n] - battle
/ho/ - to divide

hode [adj] - way, manner, or method (as in the way to do something)

/hu/ - sharp


/ib/ - food -

-(i)bu [prep suffix] - of, as in "a glass of" = chalibu
/ic/ - to shine

/id/ - observe

/if/ - break

/ig/ - accelerate

igre [adj] - south
igru [n] - (the) south
/il/ - add

ilio [vb] - to mention
/im/ - milk

/in/ - to drop

invokariu [n] - temple, place of public ritual
invoko [vb] - to perform a ritual
invokorim [n] - a small, generally private ritual room
/ip/ - seek

iqua [conj] - when (see tiwa; while, during)
/ir/ - at

/irc - among

/irn - eliminate

/ish/ - over

isplesu [n] - example
/it/ - which

/iv/ - everything

iyotu [pn] - each other
/iz/ - attack

/izh/ - rise from bed

izmo [vb] - to snow
izmu [n] - snow


jerno [v] - to journey, travel
jernu [n] - journey


kagomu [n] - mortar
kagu [n] - stone, rock
kalentu [n] - continent
kamare [adj] - intimate, small, esp. kamare musiku (chamber music); kamare dramu.
kamariu - public room
kamparitu [n] - campgrounds
kampo [vb] - to camp out
kampu [n] - camp, campsite
kamu [n] - room
kantariu [n] - opera house
kante [adj] - singing
kantisu [n] - singer
kanto [vb] - to sing
kantu [n] song
kape [adj] - done, complete
Kazhi [n] - the name of this language
ki [pn] - we
kinariu [n] movie theater
kinu [n] - movie
kirdisa - thirty (see numbers)
kirsa - three (see numbers)
klono [vb] - to clown
klonu [n] - clown, fool
klonute [adj] - foolish
klonutertu [n] - foolishness
kombariu [n] - stadium, sports arena (see lutariu)
kombo [vb] - to combat
kombu [n] - combat
konsa [prep] - about, concerning
kronu [n] - time
kshunatu [n] - verb
ku [pn] - me
kurne [adj] - modern, current, up to date


/la/ - to ask

/le/ to sever

lese [adj] - few
lesere [adj] - fewer
lesese [adj] - fewest
/li/ - to defeat

libariu [n] - public library
libu [n] - book
liburim [n] - library (usu. in a home)
liku [n] - sand
linu [n] - language
/lo/ - situation

loge [adj] - systematic
logu [n] - system
lozhu [n] - place (area, region)
/lu/ - floor

lutariu [n] - stadium, sports arena (see kombariu)
luto [vb] - to compete, as in a physical game, sporting event, or contest
lutu [n] - competition, game, match, contest


/ma/ - to cry

makariu [n] - factory
mako [vb] - to make
male [adj] - bad
malere [adj] - worse
malese [adj] - worst
manu [n] - person
/me/ - society

/mi/ - sound, noise

mishro [vb] - blend. mix
mishru [n] - mixture, blend
/mo/ - square

/mu/ - water

muzikariu [n] - music hall, concert hall
muzike [adj] - musical
muzikisu [n] - musician
muzikorim [n] - music room
muziku [n] - music
muzhe [adj] - tiny, miniscule
muzhe tizne [idiom] - little bit (as in a little bit of wine)


/na/ - turn-off

nahu [n] - boat
namiche [adj] named, called (a boy ~ John)
namo [vb] - to name
namu [n] name
natu [n] - word
/ne/ - sudden

/ni/ - thing

nivu [n] - number, quantity
niya [adj/adv] - no
/no/ - then, so

/nu/ - shoulder

nuse [adj] - no, none
nyegune [adj] - unknown
nyekrony [adv] - never
nyemani [pn] - nobody (lit. no people)
nyenayu [n] - unknown
nyepare [adj] - alone, unacompanied, solo
nyeparo [vb] - to be alone
nyeseniako [vb] - never mind, do not be concerned about


/ob/ - late

/oc/ - to attend

/od/ - hot

/of/ - fine

/og/ - weather

okuro [vb] - happen, occur
/ol/ - to drink

/om/ - toe

omblu [n] - world
/on/ - some

ona - one (see numbers)
onaku - one hundred (see numbers)
onaza - first (see numbers)
ondenze [adj] - parallel
/op/ - sick

/or/ - blue

/orc - small

orde [adj] - orderly, neat, tidy
ordo [vb] - arrange, place in order
/orn - reach

/os/ - that

/osh/ - amuse

oshinu [n] - sea, ocean
oshmo [vb] - to sink, submerge
osino [vb] - possess

/ot/ - look

/ov/ - to dress

/oz/ - often

/ozh/ - expect


/pa/ - to stand

padru [n] - father
palo [vb] - to speak
panarim [n] - storeroom
panariu [n] - warehouse
panashu [n] - everywhere
panu [n] - everything
pare [adj] - accompanied
paro [vb] - to accompany
/pe/ - color

/pi/ - merge

piaro [vb] - to appear to be, seem
piknaritu - picnic grounds
pikno [vb] - to picnic
piknu [n] - picnic
piso [vb] - to pile or heap things together
pisu [n] - a pile or heap
pitsariu [n] - pizzaria
pitsu [n] - pizza
/pla - forge

/ple - border

/pli - by, near

/plo - heaven, sky

/plu - circle

/po/ - up

/pra - debt

/pre - the rightside

prendo [vb] - to understand
/pri - direction

/pro - pardon, to excuse

/pru - level, even, equal

/pu/ - town

pusku [n] - cat
pwa [prep] - with


qua [] - how (used only to form a question: how much, how many, how far, etc.)
quabo [vb] - to climb
quana - four (see numbers)
quandisa - forty (see numbers)
quanive [adj] - how many


/ra/ - to disturb

/re/ - to block

reavo [vb] - reveal, uncover, expose
regariu [n] - government building, courthouse, city hall
rego [vb] - to control or govern
resuto [prep] - instead of
/ri/ - dryness

rije [adj] - strict, rigid, regimented

/ro/ - sweet

/ru/ - to wait


/sa/ - hope

se [pn] - this (abbreviated s' with a noun: s'domu)
senu [pn] - that, which
sepa - six (see numbers)
sepdisa - sixty (see numbers)
serno [vb] - to care or be concerned (about a thing. Not applied to a person)
sete [adj] - west
setu [n] - (the) west
/sha - whose

/she - to hurry

/shi - act

shimu [vb] - smile
/shla - secure

/shle - front

/shli - brother

/shlo - few

/shlu - to join

/shu - solid

shubisno [vb] - (I) thank you
siduvo [vb] - to please (used idiomatically before a verb as siduvy)
skre [adj] - written
skrio [vb] - write
skriu [n] - writing
sligu [n] - oil
/sla - game

/sle - air

/sli - thin

/slo - material

/slu - more

/sma - machine

/sme - memory

/smi - mind

/smo - mental

/smu [adj] - correct

/sna - different

/sne - nothing

/sni - odor

/sno [n.] - cut

/snu - door

/so/ - become

sole [adj] - only
sperarim [n] - laboratory
spero [vb] - to experiment
speru [n] - experiment
spilo [vb] - to play or perform, as on a musical instrument, or theatrical performance
spilu [n] - performance
/sra - war

/sre - to wander

/sri - vegetable

/sro - wind

/sru - road

statu [n] - rule, regulation
strukachu [n] - structure
struko [vb] - build, construct
/su/ - last, final

subsiache [adj] - substituted
subsiachu [n] - substitution
subsio [vb] - substitute
subsiu [n] - substitute
suplariu [n] - church, place of prayer
suplo [vb] - to pray, to beg
suplorim [n] - a small private prayer room
suplu [n] - prayer
swajo [vb] - to influence
swaju [n] - an influence


ta [prep] - to, toward, (in the direction of)
tasiu [n] - illusion
tave [adj] - tall, high
/te/ - cloudy

teregu [n] - tar (lit. earth sap)
teru [n] - earth
ti [pn] - they
tiwa [conj] - while, during (see iqua; when)
tizne [adj] - small, little
/to/ - to warn

todisa - twenty (see numbers)
tomu [n] - root of a word, bit, atom, particle
tosa - two (see numbers)
/tra - rubber

transariu [n] - public meditation hall
transo [vb] - to meditate
transorim [n] - small, private meditation room
/tre - to grow

/tri - to taste

tribavo [vb] - to emerge from, evolve from
trivo [vb] - to grow

/tro - luck

/tru - to hide

tu [pn] - he/she/it


/ub/ - around

/uc/ - to happen

uchalte [adj] - ancient
uchaza [conj] - at last
uche [adj] - much, very as in ~ happy. (usu. prefixed to another adj. as uchi-)
/ud/ - to begin

udne [adj] - many
udo [vb] - say
/uf/ - while

/ug/ - talk

/ul/ - to eat

/um/ - ultimate

/un/ - sell

/up/ - cold

/ur/ - edge

/urc - friend

/urn - need

/us/ - smart

/ush/ - between

/ut/ - eye

/uv/ - room

/uz/ - help

/uzh/ - music


/va/ - before

/ve/ - from

venariu [n] - church, house of worship
veno [vb] worship
venorim [n] - chappel
verale [adj] - some (unspecified number of)
veste [adj] - after
vestenatu [n] - suffix
vi [pn] - you (plural)
vida - eight (see numbers)
vidisa - eighty (see numbers)
vilo [vb] - to decide, to choose
vizo [vb] - to see
/vo/ - to live

vorte [adj] - before
vortenatu [n] - prefix
vu [pn] - you (singular)



yavi [int] - hey! hey you!
yemly [adv] - merely, only
yena - seven (see numbers)
yendisa - seventy (see numbers)
yilo [vb] - shall, will
yira [prep - in, within
yolu [n] - girl


/za/ - other

zacte [adj] - exact, precise
/ze/ to wish

/zha/ - to use

/zhe/ - almost

/zhi/ - life

/zhla - mild

/zhle - praise

/zhli - to lend

/zhlo - arrange

/zhlu - bone

/zho/ - to continue

/zhra - past

/zhre - plain, clear

/zhri - heavy

/zhro - to point

/zhru - flat

/zhu/ - leg

/zi/ - to brake

/zla - north

/zle - offer

/zli - contain

/zlo - fault

/zlu - side

/zo/ - to walk

zota - zero (see numbers)

/zra - nose

/zre - to hear

/zri - abuse

/zro - to lean

/zru - in

/zu/ - 1for