Help Files


These are the Wolfkin help files, which Elyas and Dalakhil wrote. They are now in the MUD and can be seen by typing help wolfkin, help wkrp etc.


The closest people have come to understanding the Wolfkin is best noted
by Loial in his writings [Book I pg. 339-341]:
 'I don't much like people,' he said in a flat voice. 'Cities are full of
people. I don't go near villages, or even farms, very often. Villagers,
farmers, they don't like my friends. I wouldn't even have helped you if you
if you hadn't been stumbling around as helpless and innocent as newborn
 'Wolves don't tame, not even as well as men. They're my friends. We keep
each other company, hunt together, converse after a fashion. Just like any
other friends.'
 How do you become a Wolfkin?
 'They found out, I didn't. Not at first. That's always the way of it, I
understand. The wolves find you, not you them. Some people thought me touched
by the Dark One, because wolves started appearing wherever I went. I suppose
I thought so too, sometimes. Most decent folk began to avoid me, and the ones
who sought me out weren't the kind I wanted to know, one way or another. Then
I noticed there were times when the wolves seemed to know what I was
thinking, to respond to what was in my head. That was the real beginning.
They were curious about me. Wolves can sense people, usually, but not like
this. They were glad to find me. They say it's been a long time since they
hunted with men, and when they say a long time, the feeling I get is like a
cold wind howling all the way down from the First Day.'
 Can you teach me to be a Wolfkin?
 'It can't be taught. Some can do it, some can't.'
Please refer to the following help files for more information about joining
and playing a Wolfkin character:

These are the requirements for playing a Wolfkin character:
1. You must have the Golden Eyes talent.
2. You must be at least level 10-15 (the level requirement changes between 10
   and 15 depending on the current needs of the guild; ask the GL or another 
   Wolfkin if you are unsure of what the current requirement is).
3. You must have sponsorship from at least 3 current Wolfkin characters who
   have RPed with you.
4. You must have a description written for your character and a background
   thought up before you begin seeking sponsors to RP with.
5. You must NOT be a darkfriend (see the WOLFKIN RP and WOLVES help files for
   details on this).
6. You must NOT be able to channel (i.e. must not have either active channeler
   or latent channeler talents).
(Note: If you are female and have a VERY good reason for knowing how to
channel, talk to the GL and you may be accepted, but it must be
something that has actually been RPed on the MUD rather than just made
up for a background, and it is not likely that anything short of having
been actually guilded into Kin or Aes Sedai and trained by them will be
approved.  No males able to channel will be accepted under any
In addition, having the Hunter and Woodmanship talents is strongly
recommended, as they are very IC (In Character) for the majority of
Wolfkin.  They are not required, only looked highly upon.

The following help file is intended as an explanation of what Wolfkin are,
for players who have either not read the books yet or have not read them in
a while, and a very loose guide to RP as a Wolfkin, which is intended as
helpful advice and NOT restrictive rules that apply to every individual in
every situation.
The Wolfkin guild on the MUD represents the very small group of people in the
WoT books known as wolfbrothers.  The term 'Wolfkin' rather than 'Wolfbrother'
is used as the name of the guild on the MUD because females as well as males
are allowed to join it.  There are very, very few wolfbrothers in the books,
Perrin and Elyas being the most notable, but more are allowed on the MUD for
the sake of fun and letting it be RPed by anyone who wants to.
Wolfkin are people born with a kinship to wolves, and this kinship usually
shows up in adolescence (and usually occurs sooner if the person meets an
older wolfkin to help guide them, such as Perrin meeting Elyas).  The 
ability usually manifests itself when wolves sense the thoughts of the 
wolfkin and begin responding to them.  At about this time, the eyes of
wolfkin begin changing to a yellowish or golden color.
Wolfkin gain several abilities related to their kinship with wolves (see
help WOLFKIN ABILITIES for details), and are able to communicate with wolves
and other Wolfkin through thoughts and images. (Note: Because of this kind
of communication, Wolfkin are able to use gdt (guild channel) ICly, but only
if it is RPed as being through thoughts and images.)  Wolfkin after a while
also develop very wolf-like reactions, such as baring their teeth when
angered, and they tend to prefer being away from cities and large gatherings
of people.  For many Wolfkin, life is a constant struggle to balance being
human and being kin to wolves, and if this balance isn't maintained it is
very possible for wolfkin to completely lose their sanity and become lost to
the wolf side, thinking that they are really wolves.
The Wolfkin guild on the MUD has ranks as other guilds do, but they are very
different from most other guilds.  As Wolfkin are generally independent of
each other and unorganized, most of the ranks are equal.  There is a rank
called Cub for newer members, and an Outcast rank for Wolfkin who have
betrayed the wolves and are distrusted by them.  Besides that, the rest of
the ranks are equal and based on the individual WK's RP.  As WK do not label
themselves ICly, the rank names are only OOC designations resembling the
individual character's RP, and WK should not be referred to by their rank
names ICly.  The ranks are relatively unimportant and not meant to hinder
or restrict RP in any way.
All Wolfkin choose wolf names for themselves and if you intend to play a
Wolfkin then it is a good idea to start thinking of a wolf name when you
think up your background (read help WOLF NAMES for details).
Wolfkin are already loners by nature because of their kinship with wolves,
but this is made even more so by the fact that the golden colored eyes of
Wolfkin make other people very suspicious of them, sometimes to the point
of being called darkfriends.  Wolves are widely misunderstood and thought
to be creatures of the Dark One, which makes getting along with most people
even more difficult.  There are, of course, exceptions, but that is the
attitude of the general population.
In addition, here is a list of a few of the other guilds on the MUD who
would have special and more defined interactions with Wolfkin:
Aes Sedai:  The Wolfkin ability is completely new to Aes Sedai and they
have no understanding of it.  Thinking it something of the One Power, the
Red Ajah tried to gentle Elyas, who used to be a warder, but the gentling
had no affect as it has nothing to do with the One Power.  Because of the
curiosity of Sedai who would want to study Wolfkin, the wise Wolfkin who
wants to stay free avoids them.
Children of the Light (aka Whitecloaks):   The CotL, being a fanatical
organization intending to destroy darkfriends, takes the misunderstanding
of the nature of wolves to the extreme, thinking them creatures of the
Dark One and assuming all Wolfkin therefore must be darkfriends.  The Children
smell wrong to the wolves, in the way that a rabid dog smells wrong, and a
Wolfkin can usually smell the wrongness too.  They are, of course, best avoided.
(Note:  Please keep in mind that ICly the CotL severely outnumbers Wolfkin
and are an organized military, they should be AVOIDED, -NOT- HARASSED.
If you wish to OOCly harass CotL or provoke them to conflict etc. then
please don't join Wolfkin as our standard of RP is higher than that.)
The Shadow/Dark:  The wolves have a very severe hatred of all shadowspawn,
and a pack of wolves would go out of its way to kill any shadowspawn.  This 
hatred for shadowspawn carries over to Wolfkin and is why a Wolfkin cannot 
be a darkfriend.  Please keep in mind that though Wolfkin can sometimes sense 
other peoples' emotions and intentions, they do NOT sense whether or not 
someone is a Forsaken or darkfriend.  So if you know OOCly that someone is a 
darkfriend or a disguised Forsaken, do NOT pretend to be able to know this 
ICly as well.
Tuatha'an (aka Tinkers):  As Elyas is friends with Raen, a Tuatha'an
Mahdi, and tinkers have camps outside large cities, Wolfkin generally
get along well with Tinkers.  Remember that they are peaceful people
who follow the Way of the Leaf, and it is very impolite to bring a
weapon into their camp.
Those are just a few of the many groups of people in the WoT world and on
the MUD.  For most other guilds, each members' opinion of Wolfkin will
most likely be separate from the rest of the guild's and will depend on
that individual's RP (and vice versa for a Wolfkin's opinion of them).
Also remember that these are very general tips and guidelines and individual
RP may vary slightly.  For example a Tuatha'an would not be friendly with a
wolfkin who carries a weapon around in the Tuatha'an camp, or a Whitecloak
may become enlightened and friendly toward Wolfkin after having his life
saved by a pack of wolves and having a long conversation with a wolfkin.
Of course, that Whitecloak would most likely not want to talk to his fellow
Children of the Light about it for fear that they might think HIM a darkfriend
too, so though individual attitudes may vary it is not likely that overall
IC attitudes between entire guilds would change.
Wolfkin gain several special abilities from their kinship with wolves.  Except
where otherwise noted, these abilities for the most part are NOT CODED ON THE
MUD.  They can be, however, quite a fun addition to RP.  Also, note that most 
of these abilities are learned from examples with Perrin in the books, and are
presumed to be common among all Wolfkin.
Improved Senses:  As a Wolfkin's eyes turn golden/yellowish, he/she gains the
eyesight of a wolf, and is able to see in total darkness as if it were twilight.
(Note:  This IS coded on the MUD as part of the Golden Eyes talent--anyone within
the WK guild can see and scan in darkness without a light.)  Wolfkin also have
a very acute sense of smell, and after a while can even determine others'
emotions by their scent.
Wolf-like Communication:  Wolfkin are able to communicate with wolves and other
Wolfkin in a telepathic manner, through thoughts and images.  A Wolfkin can
sense all nearby wolves (Perrin can sense wolves for up to about a mile away,
and Elyas can sense them from further away, so it is assumed that the awareness
of wolves grows with experience).  A Wolfkin can meld his/her mind with a wolf
in a manner that allows the Wolfkin to see what the wolf sees, feel its pain, 
and taste what it tastes.  (See help WOLF NAMES for more info on wolf-like
The Wolfdream:  A Wolfkin can enter Tel'Aran'Rhiod in much the same way that a
Dreamer/Dreamwalker does.  A Wolfkin may also sometimes see visions within the
dream like a Dreamer does. Please do NOT use these visions as an
excuse to take information you know OOCly and use it ICly.  The visions Perrin
saw in Tel'Aran'Rhiod were very random and he usually could not even interpret
them.  It is not fair for someone who has put much effort into ICly hiding
something about him/herself to have his or her RP ruined by someone pretending
to know that info from Dreaming or Foretelling.

The wolves communicate with each other (and with Wolfkin) telepathically through
feelings and images.  Their names for each other, people, and other things are
based on these images.  Here are a few wolf names for different things and
Shadowkiller (Rand)
Heartfang (Ba'alzamon)
Moonhunter (Lanfear)
Long Tooth (Elyas)
Young Bull (Perrin)
Notdead (Gray man)
Twisted Ones (Trollocs)
Neverborn (Myrddraal)
Shadowbrothers (Darkhounds)
Two-legs (humans)
Hard-footed four-legs (horses)
Two-leg shes who touch the wind that moves the sun and call fire (Aes Sedai)
To add to RP, Wolfkin choose wolf names for themselves that represent the image
wolves have of them.  You are not required to have such a name thought up before
joining the guild but you should at least begin to think about it as soon as
possible.  Also, these names are for Wolfkin RP, you should never use your wolf
name with non-Wolfkin.
This help file is meant to point out a few important facts about wolves that
anyone playing (or wanting to play) a Wolfkin character should know.
Wolves exist in the real world and in the world of dreams (Tel'Aran'Rhiod)
simultaneously, and even wolves that are dead in the real world still exist in
the dream world.  They do not see visions in Tel'Aran'Rhiod like some Dreamers
and Wolfkin do.
Wolves communicate with each other and with Wolfkin telepathically using
feelings and images (see help WOLF NAMES for details).
Wolves are intelligent and feel contempt for dogs, and Wolfkin treat them as
equals, NOT as pets (so please do not RP petting them etc.).
Wolves despise shadowspawn, and can smell shadowspawn even on peoples' minds.
They actively kill shadowspawn whenever possible, and a pack of wolves can
even bring down a myrddraal, but with much loss.
Wolves sense people and can sense their emotions.  Whitecloaks in particular
smell wrong to wolves in the way that rabid dogs smell wrong.  They also
recognize Aes Sedai.