BobbleHead Jesus The Hungry!!
After a full morning of shmoozing with the Tamil taxi drivers of Chennai, and coaxing a few rounds of Masala Chai from any and everyone, Bobblehead Jesus moves on to a different beverage later in the day.  Here BJ, as he likes people to call him, poses next to a favorite beverage, the Blue Pepsi.  For his Blue Pepsi BJ usually frequents "Arjuna's" where he actually pays his own fare. This five rupee drink weighs three times his weight, yet amazingly he can still lift a full one over his head, and perhaps even more shocking, he can drink two of them!  If he's feeling rowdy, and if you ask nicely he'll even pound one!
In Mahabalipuram, or Mahabs as he calls it, Bobblehead runs wild.  Bobblehead has been seen impersonating various condiment containers.  In this photo Bobblehead plays his clever trick on the unsuspecting Christiana Murray at the German Bakery.  This lovely scene ended in catastrophe when the young Miss Murray accidentally mistook the pint-sized prankster for a squeezable mustard container.  Bobblehead suffered some internal hemorrhaging and bleeding but was back on the streets with his characterististic smirk and rediculous hand gesture in a matter of days....
Bobblehead Jesus's favourite foods, drinks, and hangouts.
Bobblehead Jesus is a big fan of Chennai.  Despite myths to the contrary, Bobblehead was born in Chennai and currently spends much of his time there.  One of his favorite activities is to get passed around between the men on the streets of Chennai.  "In Chennai, there are always lots of men drinking Chai, and doing nothing," explains the little dude, "and I love Chai, so I can often bum a few cups by getting passed around."  With the crowd he attracts, it's no wonder he gets passed around.
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The mini Messiah truly has a food fetish.  He likes not only to drink and eat other people's food, but also to bask and wallow in it at any chance he gets.  Here, in Colombo, another of his high-end hangouts, BJ-Booyah-Bobblehead has convinced two young women, Modesta Deus and Kathleen Quirk, to place him face up in the middle of their freshly cooked pizza!  Some say that despite his strange behavior and proclivities, Bobblehead's size and personality win him extra points with the ladies.  This reporter believes that Ms. Deus' smile tells all.
Bobblehead Jesus has quite a reputation as a party animal too.  The small Savior has been known to get a little out of control.  On vacation in Sri Lanka, he is supposed to have gone on a week-long bender.  In this photo, taken at 10 in the morning on a Tuesday, he does stupid parlor tricks such as hanging from a beer bottle by his chin to impress friends.  He screams "I'm BJ Jazzy Jeff!"  Later that night he had to be escorted from the hotel.