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This section outlines the skills a deaf student must acquire in order to read effectively. These skills were developed based on my review of the current research, professional input, and professional experiences.

Previewing Text Skills  
Structure of Text
Interaction with Text
Reaction to Text
 Assessment of Comprehension

Previewing Text Skills

1. Identify type of text (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, textbook, newspaper, etc.)
2. Make predictions based on preview of title, cover, pictures, etc.

Structure of Text

1. Based on type of text, identify specific structure.
2. Identify important feature of story structure (setting, plot, characters, etc.)
3. Use pictures, drawings, cartoons, photographs, charts, graphs, captions, etc. to support text.
4. Identify changes in verb tense.
5. Identify point of view.
6. Identify turn taking in dialogue.
7. Identify lapses in time.
8. Identify English grammar structure.
9. Identify high frequency words.
10. Identify titles, headings, other bold print features.

Interaction with Text

1. Identify student's purpose for reading.
2. Activating prior knowledge.
3. Vocabulary development.
4. Identify unknown vocabulary words.
5. Identify meaning of unknown word through context.
6. Monitor comprehension throughout reading.
7. Generate questions throughout reading.
8. Make predictions throughout reading.
9.  Draw inferences throughout reading.
10. Categorize/summarize content throughout reading.

Reaction to Text

1. Identify author's purpose for writing.
2. Identify theme.
3. Identify overall summary.
4. Outline main concepts.
5. Identify unanswered questions.
6. Reflection and develop personal opinion.

Assessment of Comprehension

1. Student self evaluation of comprehension.
2. Use of study guides related to text.
3. Study techniques.
4. Test taking strategies.



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