Here are some of my friends. If you do not appear on this page please do not take offense, it simply means that i dont think highly enough of you to put you on my b-grade website. The links are to pics of them or their homepages:

Travis - I shared a flat with Travis for about 2 years, and our other roomate, Scott agrees with me when I say that Travis is like a walking comic strip. This man is like something out of "The Far Side." Imagine Charles DeMar with a guitar and less hair.

Scott - The roomate in the apartment from the Twilight Zone, Scott. A platipus if I ever met one, Scott is like a combination of Tom Cruise and Doogie Howser all rolled into one. His whacked out page lies in the stormy abyss over here.

Sean - The designated "Rock Star" of the group. Sean's also one of the intellectuals I know, and I respect his opinion immensly, even though he likes Ayn Rand.

Mandana - The epitome of class, Mandana, of the dynamic duo Sean and Mandana, is one of the best friends you could have. Always there ready to hear my rantings and gripes, I owe more to her than words could even hope to express.

Daniel - Daniel is a photographer. Because of this fact there are no pictures of Daniel. How one is a photographer and morally opposed to having ones photo taken i will never know. That is why there is no photo, of this man. If there was we could use this site as the "Daniel dating service" and sell him to lots of rich old ladies. Now he will have to work for a living. It's his own damn fault. This is Daniels own page, it also is home to a number of events that he is involved with.

Ami - No. NO. You are still pronouncing it wrong. Still trying? No thats not it either. Looks simple, eh? Well you're still wrong so stop already. If you STILL haven't given up you can find her den of iniquity here.

Sandra - Ms. Thang. She has boldly gone and made the decision to attend NYU in spite of the warnings of yours truly, and now only a few questions remain: Will she decide to run screaming from there when she discovers it is really evil? Will she forsake a college education to become a beatnik and rewrite Kerouacs On the Road as a space opera? Did she kill professor plum in the dining room with the candlestick?

Ian - Ian is the man in white. A truly great friend, and a great DJ to boot.

Kim - Kim is not British. This is a common and understandable mistake, but shes not British. She does however write like a 13th century British madman, and no I dont mean that she writes long complex sentences in Middle English.

Chuck - Derek, called Chuck for reasons unbeknownst to anyone, now appears on this page. His performace art entitled "Drink Budweiser, Fall Down" can be seen in a club near you. This man knows more about music than should be permitted any non musician. He does not, however, like linguistics. In fact his next performance art piece will be entitled "Burn the Linguistics Textbook or I Shoot the Monkey."

Jeff - Jeff, the new soda sensation! No more Coca-cola or Pepsi, Jeff-cola will rock you! Diet Jeff and Crystal Jeff coming soon! Jeff with a twist of lemon never coming, you can get your own damn lemon for 15 cents at the grocer.

Diana - The designer. Be it corsets or evening gowns, this girl is likely to have designed something like it at some time. A native of Idaho, which is, oddly enough, located somewhere near Bay Ridge

Haras - Haras is one wacky cat. She loves Jack Handy quotes, listens to Crowded Houses musicain's solo projects and calls herself the Wonderfrog, what else needs to be said? You can see her quotes page here.

Vic - The Marlboro man himself.

Jake - Mr. Neuendyke, please step forward. He's either headed to film-maker heaven or documentary hell... I'm not sure which.

Jeremy - Jeremiah, the original bullfrog, still refuses croak budweiser.

Alex - Alex "Lion-O" Martinez, Pvt. U.S. Army. The Army has classified him as a disabled Gulf War Veteran, apparently the fact that he was 13 during the gulf war did not stop him from serving his country. Neither did the fact that he didnt enlist until 9 years later....