Unborn Roleplaying
The section was compiled to assist unborn roleplay and inform unborns of rules. For starters, unborns spend a lot of time at the fort. Everyone needs to realize that the fort is the orcs home and the orcs let unborns train there out of their graciousness. So in turn, we as a guild should respect their rules. And remember that the same rules on orc territory applies to undead territory. So here is a list of rules:
  • Neither Unborn or Undead is to loot a dead human's corpse without permission. In fact, we shouldn't even look at the corpses, it can result in death by a disgruntled orc.
  • There is to be no fighting between orcs and undead/unborn. No clomp games whatsoever.
  • If however, a fight does break out, all undead/unborns are expected to aid their brethren, no matter the issue. Just as the orcs will side with their fellow orcs, we need to side with our fellow undead.
  • It is best to lead away the naked npc orcs. During fights they can be a big distraction.
  • No mounts in the fort (unborns shouldn't even be riding mounts) unless there is a large scale battle taking place outside. Even then it should be avoided at all costs.
  • That pretty much covers the rules on orc territory. Please contact me if I missed any. Now for Unborn rules in general:
  • Unborns are not allowed mounts, ethereal or otherwise.
  • The standard unborn uniform is the puke yellow robe. You can find the dye tub with this color in the tower located in the heart clearing. This robe should be worn at all times.
  • An unborn is not fully undead, so there is no reason for him to be speaking like one (i.e. speaking with a lisp). This doesn't mean you can talk like diz, and go around calling people n00bs.
  • Stay in character at all times.
  • Do NOT speak orcish while in the fort. Not only does it annoy many orcs and undead, it takes away from our roleplay. Imagine a fierce bone warrior blahin lyk diz agh aktin stoopid. It just doesn't make sense. Speak like a regular human but stay in character.
  • Unborn are slaves of Undead and should act as such. Undead are an unborn's superiors and their orders should be obeyed or death will follow. Show full Undead respect.
  • Currently there are no skill restrictions on unborns, but future restrictions should be followed.
  • That should cover the general unborn rules. Contact me if I missed anything there as well.

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