• If indicated with a * it is required information
  • For help please click here for a sample reply
  • Please send your application twice and if you do not get a reply within 1 week please e-mail staniforth5@msn.com as an error may have occurred
  • Personal Information

    *Your real name:           
    *Your real age:              
    *Your E-mail Address: 

    AOL instant messenger screen name:
    Msn messenger screen name:             

    Any past simming experience?:                   
    (Please list with web addresses if possible) 

    How long have you been simming?:
    (If this is your first time just leave blank)

    How did you hear about Typhon Fleet?:
    (E.g. from a friend, from a search engine e.t.c)

  • Simming Information

    *Your first choice simm:
    (Please write the ship name here)

    *Your second choice simm:
    (Please write the ship name here)

    *Your first choice position:
    (Please write the position you would like here e.g. Chief
    (The different positions can be found on a ships websites
    personal page)

    *Your second choice position:
    (Please write the position you would like if the above
    position is taken e.g. Engineer’s mate)
    (The different positions can be found on a ships websites
    personal page)

    *Are you an officer or part of the enlisted crew?:
    (If you are unsure what this means I advise you to put :
  • Bio Information

    *Characters name:

    *Character race:

    *Characters gender:


*Your real name: John Doe      

*Your real age: 16

*Your E-mail Address: Johndoe@typhonfleet.com                   


AOL instant messenger screen name: John_Doe

Msn messenger screen name:


Any past simming experience?: USS Cavalry (website N/A, simm disbanded)


How long have you been simming?: Around 2 years


How did you hear about Typhon Fleet?: From a relative


*Your first choice simm: USS Hawking


*Your second choice simm: USS Lancelot


*Your first choice position: Chief Engineer


*Your second choice position: Engineer’s mate


*Are you an officer or part of the enlisted crew?: Officer


*Characters name: Stan Hawkins


*Character race: Betazodian/Human


*Characters gender: Male




Background info:

Stan was born on Betazoid and attended a private school up to the age of 16. Here he learned to control his telepathic and empathic abilities. After his mother died he lived with his Human father at his orbiting drydock. He first worked on the engines of ships as he was good at engineering. Using his empathic and telepathic abilities he was able to learn more from his work mates then they would tell. Using spare and unwanted parts around the drydock Stan made his own personalised shuttle which when he was the age of 17 he travelled to Earth and enlisted at
Starfleet Academy.

Academy history:

He was  a bit of a loner from living alone on the drydock when needed he could always work well in a team. He fixed many shuttles and fighters that came in to be used at the academy. For extra credit at Starfleet academy he designed some components for small ship building companies one of these won a safety award from SHIP STANDARDS.


Stan is a bit of a lone wolf he likes things to be done his way but will listen to reason. He will always obey orders from superiors. Although he is a loner he works very well in a team.


Starfleet History:

After the academy he was transferred to the USS Dauntless NCC-71879. Here he worked in engineering under command of Lt.Commander Brex. After the USS Dauntless was decommissioned Stan was transferred to Starbase 12 and is now awaiting transfer. One of his best friends is Sean Madison who he met in Starfleet academy.



Stan enjoys rock climbing and in the holodeck he has scaled Mt Creynor a mountain on his home world Betazed. He also likes to read technical manuals and could probably fix any system on any ship because of this.


*Do not copy directly of this you’re your bio will have to be re-written.