Welcome to my Guestbook!

WIll - 10/27/00 05:33:52
My Email:Bett
Method of Arrival: Trying to learn more about you.
What did you like?: Lyrics
What did you not like?: *shurgs* it's all good

You could save space in your gallery page by getting rid of any images you can find at Gundam wing.com and putting a link to them there. that solves some of your space problems.

Mj - 10/27/00 01:57:03
My Email:Iowa
Method of Arrival: where's here?
What did you like?: dunno, didn't really look at the site
What did you not like?: dunno, didn't really look at the site

hehe, i'm going to type random junk. I love doing this, cause people (or those who read this) are going to keep reading cause they wanna know what i wanna say. bleh, this sucks, typing into nothingness sucks, talk to me on like That yahoo thingy or AIM m name on both is mjmnam1

Lord Malachim - 10/08/00 20:53:55
My Email:Juneau Alaska
Method of Arrival: invite from you
What did you like?: the connections

really KEWL place and stayed awhile and definitly checking out anime..........

Lauren - 09/09/00 05:06:03
My Email:Iowa
Method of Arrival: Duh Erin you gave it to me
What did you like?: Bishonen - very cool; Love Heero's quote
What did you not like?: Where's the fan art JK :)

Hope your having fun making a site. Sorry I'm so computer illiterate but what is URL anyway? Oh well, just thought I'd try filling one of these out. I'll keep looking for that school pic and for Quatre in the red shirt. :) Ja ne! PS - Do you want other pics besides Gundam Wing? Chibi Van is very cute!

Dumbest Cutest Blonde - 09/02/00 16:01:53
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/dumbest_cutest_blonde/
My Email:WV
Method of Arrival: I SURFED!! You gotta prob wit that?!
What did you like?: its pretty good. the mp3's r pretty cool but u need to get splattered blood or whatever its called
What did you not like?: u need more mp3's

HEY!!! this is a pretty good page. But u need more mp3's. oh and if u go to my page sign the guestbook puh- lease.

AuranKira - 07/28/00 22:09:11
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/aurankirasmythicalrealm
My Email:Minnesota
Method of Arrival: clicked on your link on your profile
What did you like?: everything
What did you not like?: ... nothing

Hey, cool site. i see you really do like Gundam wing. well, I can' think of anything to say. so long, till we see each other again. xoxoxo

Becky - 07/23/00 22:50:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/booth/2980
My Email:the basement in a house down the street from the park, half a mile from jerry's bait shop... you know the p ace ;)
How'd you get here?: walking
What did you like?: all the cute anime (hope I spelled that right. lol!)
What did you not like?: uh.... nothing that I know of!!

hey, nice page!! keep up the great work and hope to talk to ya later! ~*~Becky~*~

Sacred Omen - 07/20/00 02:30:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Fuji/7726
My Email:The Shrine
How'd you get here?: I fell into a portal. . .
What did you like?: Gundam Wing!
What did you not like?: YOU OF COURSE! (j/k!)

*laughs* Okay Ryuuko! Let's see you wouldn't make a Sailor Moon page when you loved it forever, but you make a Gundam Wing page real quick! ^_^ Very awesome! You should have told me sooner!!! ^_~ ~Sacred Omen

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