Survey Results

Check out some pictures of me and all those weird people I call friends... though why you'd willingly torture yourself is beyond me.
Guess what this page is about? Me! Aren't you thrilled?

As of 9:08pm on Tuesday, September 25, 11 really cool people have taken this survey. I will add yours to the results ASAP!

The responses so far...
73% of you like to eat cheese
27% of you don't like to eat cheese

The most popular crayons are green and black, tied at two votes each.
    Some other responses:
  • grey (1 vote)
  • purple (1 vote)
  • aquamarine (1 vote)
  • terracotta (1 vote)
  • pink (1 vote)
  • the paper on the outside of the crayon (1 vote)
  • not sure (1 vote)