Incredibly, a good horror movie from France

A French twist on the "Ferocious fetus" genre, this movie is pretty entertaining all around. Also known as Baby Blood, it features a poster for Baby Blood 2 in one scene. How many French horror flicks do we see these days? Not many. How many that proudly proclaim that they're from the makers of Gunmen? Fewer yet. 

Some lady with a name I can't spell or pronounce stars as a circus-working volupturess who's doing her damnedest to dispel the notion that French women have no breasts. She lives with the lion tamer, who, needless to say, treats her like shit, like lion tamers are wont to do. But her world is turned topsy-turvy when the newly-acquired circus cheetah explodes, and soon after that, she's, uh, vaginally invaded by what appears to be a slithering intestine. Next thing she knows, she's pregnant, and the fetus is talking to her. 

If all it wanted was to repeatedly request songs by Black Sabbath on the radio, that'd be okay, but no, this fetus wants blood. He's persuasive, too - he can cause her agony at any time he wishes. And thus begins their weird, codependent relationship. 

There's a nice stabbing scene where it's as if the camera was mounted on the tip of the knife as it plunges in and out of the victim. I would've been a little more impressed if the director had gone a shade further, though, like with the "bone breaking" scene in Lord Of Illusions. 

Highlights include a bizarre trip and look around inside Bianca's body, and a hilariously unlikely murder involving an oxygen tank and an explosion. (think less
Jaws and more Live And Let Die) This is an extremely gory film, and a pretty enjoyable one. But damn, does that chick have one big gap between her front teeth.