Needs more sex.  A LOT more sex.

Just what this was doing in the horror section, I don't know.

An unhappy couple, snipping at each other all the time and pretty much sexually inert, reluctantly invite a "sexual fantasist" over (recommended by his shrink) to help them with what's left of their sex life. This woman (named Anouk) does a good job all right - five minutes, and that "reluctant" wife (Shannon Tweed) is getting groped by this strange woman. She does such a good job, actually, that the wife is really freaked out by it all, goes on a weird bawling binge that some women are wont to go on when they get exactly what they want, and fires her. Oh, and there's a serial killer out there too. And what's with the wife's cross-dressing gay friend? 

Although "Anouk" is about as sexy a name as "Horton", she's actually pretty cute. She?s the chick on the cover that looks like Sandra Bullock. Don't be fooled, that ain't Sandra - it's Carole Laure. Sandra would've been about 15 when this was made. 

Quite frankly, Shannon Tweed gives me the creeps. She's got zero sex appeal (looking like a robotic amalgam of supposedly sexy traits from b-movie bimbos), less acting ability, and she projects a lot less personality than most laundry baskets.

  The whole thing's okay, but plays rather like a tame version of one of those cheesy "erotic thrillers" that aren't particularly erotic or thrilling. It's mostly noteworthy for Laure, Michael Ironside (playing a cop sporting an awful comb-over), and some entertaining (if ridiculous) twists at the end. 

A time-killer, but not much more. Canadians might dig it more than most since the cast pretty much consists of a who's-who of Canadian TV actors. Presumably filmed in Montreal.