The Letter P

For some reason I have always been obsessed with the letter P. Strange, I know. All the wonderful things in the world start with P. Want Proof? Here's ten wonderful things that start with P.

1. Peru- country of Macchu Picchu. Yes, I've been there.

2. Pride and Prejudice- a classic novel by Jane Austin.

3. Peanut Butter Cups- My favourite treats.

4. Passionfruit, Peach, Pineapple and Plum- delicious fruit.

5. Penguins- the coolest bird on the planet.

6. Platypus- the coolest mammal on the planet.

7. Pavlova- a delicious meringue dessert inspired by a tutu.

8. Plato- a grand philosopher

9. Puccini- wrote wonderful operas such as La Boheme

10. Persephone, Pygmalion and Pandora- mythical Greek characters.


I think I became obsessed with the letter P very early on in life. I know, it's weird but it's better than being a serial killer or something. My father used to sing a piece from Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' called 'Papagena Papageno'. It's a pulchritudinous song and starts out with a bird singing 'Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa, Pa-pa-pa-pa-'. Well I'm sure you get the picture. They were the first words I uttered. Since then, I have virtually memorized the 'P' section of the dictionary. Don't ask me why. All the great words start with P. Peace, prudence, preponderance. You'd be surprised how intelligent people perceive you to be if you pepper a lot of P-words in day-to-day conversation. Of course, you might be accused of being a pretentious, pernickety, pompous, pontificating, pedant but you can always tell those pugnacious, perturbed, petulant, plebeian, purveyors of perniciousness to piss off.

Here's a list of words beginning with P that I'm sure you will come to love. They are not in alphabetical order, nor have I singled out adjectival or nominal forms. They are just there. Enjoy!



Have you got a favourite P word that's not listed here? Send it to