sketched furiously for three days and felt that perhaps he would have a good showing after all. He hated working under pressure and decided that charcoal drawings would be the best thing. He could do them easily enough at his own place and didn't need the atmosphere of the cabin or Molly's garden. After the visit to the farm, his mind was full of possibilities, and small vignettes of things he had experienced fairly flew onto the pages. Small black and white dogs herding sheep, a little curly haired girl carrying a rabbit, highland cattle on a hill, and Maire with her arms full of roses, to name just a few.
     His mind kept going back to the conversation he'd had with Callum on Monday morning. He'd gone to the station as promised, to meet with Molly's brother, and had had to wait a short time for him to finish up a report. The drawing on the wall behind the desk brought back memories long forgotten and he stood for some minutes looking at it, amazed that it had lasted all this time.
     The information Callum gave him, when the two men finally had a chance to talk, was disturbing. Ted had not completely disappeared as Molly thought. He had been seen in town several times in the last year. Once, Liam had seen him leaving a bar with a group of rather disreputable men, and had followed him until the group separated, whereupon he had confronted Ted and had warned him to stay far away from Molly. Ted had run, but had threatened "to get what he was owed." Liam and Callum wondered if he had discovered that Molly had been left a sizable amount of money when Piper died. Callum showed Dave a photo taken by the detective agency and warned him to be on the alert. He didn't think there was any real danger, but one never knew, and it didn't hurt to be prepared. Pat didn't know about the incident and Callum didn't think he needed to. The two men parted with Dave's promise to keep on the look out and to not worry Molly.

     Late Wednesday afternoon, he found himself running out of ideas and thought about calling Molly. He was supposed to go there for dinner and she might need him to pick something up on the way. He looked at the collection of sketches lined up against the wall, as he dialed her number. They were not bad considering the short time he had had to do them. The window looked out onto a bit of yard behind the building and he could see the poplar tree there. One of the things he loved about the cabin was the poplar trees at the edges of the meadow. The color in the spring was so fresh and some had red leaves and some had pale green. The way the leaves attached to the branches had always fascinated him. They wriggled and waved with the least bit of wind and sounded like water over stones if you were close enough. It was too bad that he could't get a three dimensional look to a painting of them. He had a sudden vision of Molly's lacy things and a thought came crashing into his mind. Would there be time??? There was only a couple of days til the open house left.
     He was suddenly aware of Molly's voice on the end of the line.......he had forgotten for a moment that he had even dialed the number.
     "Hello? Hello.....is that you Dave? Are you there?"

had been looking through the cupboards trying to decide what to have for dinner, when the phone rang, but when she answered it there was no reply. She peered at the call display, and saw that it was, in fact, Dave's number there.
     "Are you there, Dave? Is anything wrong?"
     "Oh gees........sorry Molly......my mind just went for a jog.......listen, I just called to see if there was anything you needed."
     "Nope......just bring yourself.....You sound a little distracted.......if this is cutting into your drawing time it's OK......we can do it another time."
     "No..... no.....I've just had a brain wave.....listen... I'm bringing a picture over.....I need to ask you a favor. I'll see you in a few minutes."
     He hung up, barely saying goodbye, and Molly was left holding the receiver and wondering what on earth he was thinking of that made him sound so different. Not unfriendly exactly, or even angry, but more as though he were talking to an aquaintance, or making a business deal. Well it would be interesting to find out what he wanted her to do. Perhaps she should wait for a bit before starting the meal. She knew that when she had a new project on the go she often forgot to eat and perhaps Dave was the same way.

     She wasn't surprised when she heard the jeep pull up less than a half hour later and met Dave at the door. He was carrying an easel and a case that she knew held his drawing supplies, and he went straight through to the kitchen to set up. When he removed the cloth, she saw that he had roughed in a tree that leaned over a small pool. There were shrubs sketched in the background, but nothing looked finished and there was no color. She looked at it in silence, not quite sure whether she was supposed to make a comment or not.
     Dave stood back and looked at it for a moment, and then at her. "I was wondering how long it might take you to do up some leaves in some of your needlework. These poplars are such a nice tree, but part of their appeal.... for me anyway.... is the leaves themselves. What I was thinking is that if you could make some leaves, I could attach them in such a way that they would act like the real thing."
     "For the whole tree you mean..... or just here and there for effect?"
     "Just a few for effect. I'd fill in the rest with paint. What do you think ?"
     "How big would you want them? Maybe an inch long at the most, perhaps?"
     "I think so..... would it take you very long, do you think?"
     It was an interesting concept and she liked it. "No, not really, I don't think. The first ones will take the longest because I'd have to make up some sort of pattern, but after that it wouldn't take long. What do you want though? I could do them in anything......cross stitch, crochet, lace, knitted...... and are they to have any colors?"
     For the first time since he had come in, Dave seemed a little uncertain. He looked at the canvas consideringly, and shrugged slightly. "Do you know..... I have no idea..... I hadn't thought beyond having a three dimensional look..... It may not even work out after all."
     "Well hang on for a minute and let me see if I can do something quickly. Crochet would be the fastest, and if I used sewing cotton and the smallest hook........ " She rummaged about in her sewing cabinet and found a pale green cotton and the hook, and a few minutes later had a tiny, rounded leaf, finished off with a chain tail. "Something like this maybe? I'm not sure about anything smaller...... and how are you going to attach it? Don't they sort of wiggle about in the breeze? Don't poplars have those long catkins hanging down in the spring, with that cotton that blows about? That would be so easy to do...... easier and faster than leaves. I've got some nubbly wool that would be just the thing for that."
     "You're right.... " Dave held the little leaf up to the canvas. " The tree's going to have to be bigger than this isn't it. Darn.... It seemed like such a good idea at the time."
     "It still is and this is only Wednesday so we've got at least two days to figure it out. Do you have others already to go?"
     "Yes..... as many as I'm going to do anyway. I don't plan to have them all out at once...... they're mostly charcoal sketches of things from the farm in a simple frame."
     Molly laughed. "That should be interesting, then. A lot happened that day. Listen...... do you have a bigger canvas at home?" He nodded. "Well....... if you go and get it now, I can have a casserole in by the time you get back and we can figure out the size and the colors needed. I'll get some stuff here together and then we can plan something out. Even if it isn't finished for the Open House, it would be an interesting thing to work on."Dave went off to do that and Molly threw in a frozen casserole and found some threads she thought might work for the leaves.

     For the rest of that evening and the next two days,at Molly's house or Dave's, they worked out different approaches to Dave's idea and came up with something unique and interesting.Molly had tried a couple of leaves in each of the mediums she was familiar with. Leaves on the tree were done in crochet, lace and knitting. A few that seemed to have fallen to the ground, or into the pool, were done in cross stitch on a perforated paper. She had discovered that tatted leaves looked too heavy, and had not included any of them.
     They were both pleased with the end result,and Molly stood back to look at it. The tiny leaves in various colours of green, and the catkins hanging down looked quite real if you stood back a bit. Dave had attached them using a coil of fine wire and they did actually jiggle when they caught an air current. A few of the leaves and catkins had "fallen" to the surface of the pool, creating ripples, and tiny bits of cotton seemed to float in the air around the tree.
     "Now that it's finished, I'm not so sure I want to sell it, Molly. It's the first project we've worked on together and I'm not at all sure I want anyone else to have it.I can't help thinking how wonderful it would be at the cabin. Sort of belongs there."
     Molly was flattered. It had been fun working together on something and she had to admit that she felt the same. "Well......now that we've got it done and we both like it, maybe others will too. What about taking it and setting it up on display with a "Sold" sign on it. If anyone likes it well enough, they could put in an order and we could do another one." She smiled up at him."The next one might be even better."
     "It's a good way to start showcasing your things too, Molly"
     "I don't really want to do that, though. Most of the things I do are bought patterns and are readily available for anyone to do. If I have to start doing things to someone else's deadline, it takes away the pleasure and the thing becomes a job." She hesitated. "I think we sort of touched on this when we first met, Dave. I'm not going to change my mind about it. I don't mind helping you with projects, but I don't want to get tied into having to have something finished by a certain date. My craft stuff is recreation as well as a relaxation for me and I'll not make it into a job."
     Dave frowned at her. "I didn't mean that you should do that , Molly. I really appreciate your help with this though, and you were the one who mentioned doing another if someone should want to order one."
     Molly grinned at him ruefully."I didn't mean to bite your head off. You're right I did mention that. It's just that I don't want to turn my crafts into a money making thing."
     "Well this one has turned out even better than I had originally envisioned, thanks to you. So..... listen. What are you planning to wear tomorrow? I'll probably spend most of the day helping Joey get everything ready. He's fussing a bit and Jess has asked me to be a sort of gopher for them. It's his first big show, but I can't believe he's this nervous. Thank goodness for Jess......she manages to keep him on an even keel."
     "Well..... I was going to surprise you actually. It's something I made awhile ago and haven't had the opportunity to wear. It's too fancy for places I generally go, but I think it will be just right for the Gala. Anyway...... you'll see it when you pick me up. Look..... how about a tea or something before you go? I almost feel as though we should toast our efforts, since we're so pleased with this thing."

was running late to pick Molly up. Joey had kept him running for one thing after another far longer than he had planned to stay. On his way to the car to drive home he had thought at the last minute that perhaps he should get Molly a coursage for her dress. A quick trip to the florist had put him further behind, since they didn't seem to have anything that grabbed his fancy. It hadn't helped that Molly had refused to tell him what she would be wearing. Just as he was ready to give up, a young girl had come out from the back room to consult with the florist and had overheard part of their conversation.
     "Excuse me Sir," She had said shyly, "but have you thought of maybe a flower in a hair clip? What color hair does she have?"
     "I don't know....... sort of brown and gold with a bit of red. Molly usually wears her hair in a pony tail so I have no idea what she'll be doing with it tonight."
     The girl smiled."You don't mean the Molly that works in the craft shop a couple of streets over, do you?"
     Dave was surprised, but then.....almost everything he had had to do with so far in Molly's life had been a surprise. "I do as a matter of fact."
     "I've got just the thing for you then." The young girl disappeared into the rear again, and Dave looked at the florist who shrugged and shook her head. Very shortly, the girl returned and handed Dave a clear box. "It doesn't matter if Molly's wearing her hair up or down tonight. This'll just tuck into the side. She'll know what to do with it."
     Dave looked into the box and drew in a breath. Inside was a single orchid attached to a beaded hair comb. The flower was perfect.Not big and gaudy as some of the fancier orchids were, but neater and more compact. The outer petals were a mixture of bronzes with gold striations and the center was a deep reddish brown and yellow. The whole thing was a combination of the colors in Molly's hair. He looked a the girl."This is perfect. Thankyou very much. I take it you know her then."
     "Oh yes. She's really nice and she likes flowers. Just tell her that Janey says 'Hi'."
     "You're right about the flowers. Well.....thanks again... I'll tell her that you helped me out, Janey." He paid for the flower and apart from being late felt a little better. He hurried home to change and grab a bite before leaving for Molly's.

     Arriving at her door he was surprised again when Angela answered his ring. She grinned at him as he stepped inside. "Molly's almost ready. I'll let her know you're here. What have you got? Oh it's for her hair...... how perfect. It's beautiful Dave. She'll love it." She turned and yelled up the stairs, making Dave wince. "Hey Moll....... your date's here."
     Dave watched in stunned silence as Molly walked slowly down the stairs. About half way, her eyes found his and she gave him a little smile. He'd had no idea she could look this beautiful and elegant. He was still standing there, staring, when Angela came over and took the box from his hand and carried it to Molly. As she opened the box, and took the comb out , she flashed him a grin.
     "This is lovely, Dave. What a nice idea. You'll have to help me with it I think, Ange." He watched as Angela tucked the beaded comb into the side of the braid lying in shiney coils down the back of Molly's head. It was perfect. She was perfect. As she walked toward him, her dress made interesting little swirls around her knees and he swallowed and cleared his throat.
     "So..... Dave..... cat got your tongue?" Angela laughed and Molly came and stood in front of him, looking up into his face.
     "Is this alright, then, Dave? It isn't too much?"
     He reached out a hand and touched her cheek lightly. "You're so beautiful, Molly. You look incredible."

came slowly downstairs when Angela called to her. She could see Dave standing just inside the door looking wonderful in his version of formal attire. She hoped desparately that she wouldn't trip in her heels and look like a fool. Not for the first time, she wished she could be as graceful as Angela. She gave Dave a little smile and wondered as he looked in astonishment up at her. Was her dress too much or not enough, or too obviously home made? Maybe her makeup was too heavy. She wasn't used to wearing her hair in such a fancy style either, and thought maybe she looked silly. Angela had insisted that she help with her hair and refused to let Molly just brush it straight.
     Angela had gone to Dave who hadn't moved, and taken a box from his hand. Molly blushed with pleasure as she saw the hair clip and she watched in the mirror as Ange clipped it into the side of her braid. It looked really nice and she turned to wink at Angela. "Thanks for your help, Ange. I'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know how it all goes."
     "OK Kiddo...... have a good time and I'll feed that fat cat and lock up here before I go."
     Dave shepherded her out to the jeep and helped her climb in. He seemed a little quiet as they drove off and she turned to him in concern.
     "Is everything OK? You seem a bit quiet. Are you nervous about tonight?"
     "No Molly. I don't know exactly how I was expecting you to look, but you've fairly taken my breath away. That dress is gorgeous."
     Molly thought about the weeks it had taken to design and the problems she had had transferring the picture in her mind into the actual dress. She had found the perfect material at an estate sale Ange had dragged her to last year. As soon as she had felt the material, she knew it would make the most luxurious dress. It was a silk blend that seemed to flow through her hands and the color was one she had yet to define. Somewhere between pale pink and champagne...... not exactly a shade of light tan and not exactly pink. The dress itself was a simple sheath with a slightly flared skirt. She had lettuced the hem, and that made it ripple about her knees when she walked.
     The jacket was the part that had taken all the time. She had ended up making a sample out of muslin just so she could get the pattern right. It was a little longer than a bolero, but not quite to the waist, and the sleeves came just above the elbow. It was the collar that had given her the most trouble. It wasn't actually a collar, so much as an extension at the top of the jacket that stood up around her neck in scallops. She had tried darts and top stitched seams but neither had given the stiffness required to hold it's form, and she eventually sewn some whalebone stays into the seams. A braided rope of seed beads in pinks, tans and ivory followed the line of scallops and swirls of the same beads made patterns over the shoulders and down the front. Frogs made from the same braided beads held the front closed, and there was a subtle pattern in beads around the edges of the sleeves. The braided rope at the neckline meant that she didn't need a necklace, and she had coiled some of the braid into a circle and fastened it to earring backs. She had been very pleased with the results, but had had nowhere to wear it until tonight. The orchid hair comb Dave had brought was the perfect accessory.
     "I'm glad you like it and thanks again for this lovely flower. It's a perfect match..... I am impressed, especially since I hadn't given you any idea what I'd be wearing."
     "I can't ake the credit for that, I'm afraid. A young lady in the florists came to my rescue and said it would be just the thing. She said to tell you "Hi" from Janey."
     "Oh... that would be Janey Baker ,I expect. She's one of the girls in the junior group at the Hort club. She had a flair for decorating with flowers. What sort of thing should I expect tonight?"
     For the rest of the drive to the Gallery, Dave told her about the plans for the evening, and who he thought would probably be there. Jessica was dying to meet her, as was Joey. He said not to mind too much if Joey seemed a little abrupt, since he was quite nervous about the evening. He also promised again not to leave her side unless she felt comfortable, and that made Molly feel better.
     They had a bit of a time finding a parking space when they arrived at the Gallery, and Dave seemed to think that was a good omen. They ended up walking back almost a block and Molly had to smile to herself when she caught Dave looking at her and shaking his head. She was glad she had been able to surprise him. As they approached the door,she could see that the Gallery seemed to be full of people and for a moment wished she was back at home. Dave noticed her hesitation, and as he opened the door, he tucked her hand into his elbow, and patted it reassuringly.
     The long room was full, but he steered her through the crowd towards a tall man in a dark evening suit. He was standing next to one of the most beautiful women Molly had ever seen. Her blond hair was dressed high on her head and she was wearing a long white gown, scooped low at the front, that hugged her body and accentuated her height. Diamonds glitterd in her ears and at her throat, and Molly suddenly felt very plain in her home made dress. The woman turned and saw them and tapped her partner on his arm.
     "Well..... it's about time you got here. Joey was beginning to think you'd changed your mind."
     "Hi Jess ... Joey. I'd like you to meet my Molly."
     Jess grinned at her and Molly suddenly felt much better. "I'm awfully glad you could come, Molly. We were beginning to think Dave had some fantasy lady hidden away, and that he was never going to let us meet you. What a gorgeous dress that is. Is it French?"
     "Uuummmm ... no actually......"
     "New York, then. I thought the silk might be from Paris. It's an incredible color and suits you perfectly. "
     "It is an original Jess." Dave laughed. "Molly designed and made it herself."
     Jessica looked at Molly in amazement. "Are you serious? Truly? I am impressed. This is incredible. Dave told us you helped with the leaves on that tree as well."
     "You've got some pretty serious talent there, Molly. I'm pleased to meet you as well, if Jess will let me get a word in. Have you ever thought of........"
     "Don't even go there, Joey" Dave interrupted his friend. "The lady isn't interested." He grinned down at Molly. "I promise he won't bully you into anything, Molly." Molly felt a little more at ease as the two couples chatted, and then Joey got called away to see to one of the guests and Jessica left to tallk to another.
     "Come over and meet Andrew, Molly. We can pick up a drink on the way over." A man carrying a tray of cocktails passed and Dave selected a glass of wine for Molly and took one for himself and another for Andrew. They found the young man surrounded by admiring people and edged through the crowd. Andrew looked up with what Molly thought was a look of relief.
     "Hi, Dave. Oh, thanks so much for the drink. I was feeling a little parched." He turned to Molly. "And you must be Molly. I'm so pleased to meet you. You've been a bit of a mystery lady around here." He grinned at her and Molly liked him at once. He didn't look any more at home in this crowd than she felt, herself.
     "Thanks Andrew. Dave gave me one of your glass flowers. You do some lovely work. I'm very impressed. Looks as though you need a little help here."
     "Gosh..... do you think you could? I'd be forever grateful. I can't talk to people and take orders at the same time."
     Dave laughed. "I told you to be prepared, Andrew. Listen Molly....... would you ..... could you keep Andrew company for just a bit? I promised I wouldn't leave you alone unless you felt comfortable."
     "I'll be fine here, for a bit, Dave. Maybe I can help Andrew by taking down people's addresses and then he can contact them later on."
     She settled in beside Andrew, who, with a grateful smile, handed her a pad that he had been using to write down addresses. A woman jiggled her elbow to get her attention, and Molly looked up to find herself face to face with Mrs. Gibson. "It's about time this young man had some help show up." she said. She looked at Molly again. "Don't I know you from some place?"
     "Hello, Mrs. Gibson." Molly smiled at her, and was a little surprised when the woman just stared at her. "I've met you at the Horticultural Club." Molly prompted.
     "Oh.... you're the reception girl. Well...... I want to place an order with this man. Now this is what I want him to do for me."
     "Mrs. Gibson, I'm just taking down names and phone numbers for now. Andrew will be glad to contact you within the next week to talk to you about what you want him to do." She smiled at the woman who regarded her with a chilly look, but gave her the information she had asked for.
     Molly couldn't help feeling a little surprised at the woman's rudeness, and then remembered the conversation she and Dave had had about this very thing. For the next half hour or so, she and Andrew were kept busy with people anxious to have a look at his work. For each person who wanted to place an order, Andrew sent them to Molly and before long she had several pages of names for him to contact. The crowd thinned a bit and she looked around for Dave, and found him chatting to a couple in front of the large picture of the tree that they had worked on together.
     Oh, but he did look wonderful, and she couldn't help watching him for a few moments. He was so good to look at, and she felt a little flush of warmth run through her, at the thought that she was his date. He was wearing a full sleeved shirt in a dark grey silk that caught the lights when he moved. It had a high sort of collar and she saw the diamond studs at the cuffs and down the front glitter when he turned. He wore the shirt tucked into a pair of black dress pants that accented his height and slimness of his hips, compared to the width of his shoulders, and she thought he looked absolutely wonderful and very sexy. He glanced over at her, just at that moment, and as their eyes met, she found she couldn't look away, and felt herself blush at the look in his eyes. She took a sip of her wine and in a playful whim, winked and blew him a tiny kiss. She laughed out loud as he reached out to catch it with a grin on his face. Several people turned to look at her but she didn't care and that surprised her as well.
had been a little nervous leaving Molly with Andrew, but he needed to be in the area where he has his pictures displayed, to meet the people interested in his own work. It had been nice of Molly to offer to help Andrew and as he talked to prospective customers, he glanced often toward the corner where he had left her. She seemed to be doing alright and he watched her bright hair glisten in the lights and felt a need to be close enough to touch her. It seemed strange to be watching her from across the room and to know that she was his. He still could not get over how beautiful she looked and thought how very lucky he was.
     He groaned silently as he saw Mrs. Gibson speaking to Molly with that horrid sneering look on her face, but Molly seemed to take it all in stride and Dave was proud of her. From time to time, his eyes went back to find Molly busy taking information for Andrew. It was while he was speaking to a couple interested in the tree that he and Molly had worked on together, that he looked over to find Molly watching him. Their eyes met and he found it impossible to look away. He saw her blush, hiding it by taking a sip of wine, and wondered what it was that she had been thinking of to make her look at him like that. He was surprised and delighted when she blew him a kiss across the room and without thinking at all, he reached out and caught it, flashing her a grin as he did. Belatedly he realized that the couple were still talking to him and that he hadn't heard what they were saying.
     "I'm terribly sorry." He apologized as he turned back to them. "I'm afraid I was a little diverted for a moment. Please forgive my rudeness."
     The woman laughed. "If that's your lady over there, then I can understand it. She's very lovely. We won't take up any more of your time tonight, but if you'd give us a call next week, we'd be interested in commissioning a piece."
     They left and Dave looked over again toward Molly to find her walking towards him and he stood there and watched as she made her way across the room. The hem of her dress swirled about her knees and he was embarrassed to feel himself grow hard at the thought of touching her with the same light carress. "Gees....... get a grip," he thought." but, Lord, she's so lovely."
     He reached out a hand as she drew near and took her elbow."You've no idea how badly I want to hold you right now." he whispered in her ear. He could smell her perfume again. Not the light floral she generally wore, but something heavier and sexier, and he drew in a shakey breath."I want to cover you with kisses and taste your skin."
     She looked up at him with her eyes wide and innocent."What..... right here in front of all these people?" He knew she was teasing him, knowing that he couldn't follow through with his desires, and it only made him want her more.
     "You're beautiful, Molly, and you're mine."
     She smiled softly."It works both ways, Dave. There's something about being in a crowd of people and unable to do a thing about it, isn't there. Take me around and show me things. That'll take your mind off me for awhile."
     "Hardly."He glanced at his watch, and groaned. "I suppose we've got to put in at least another hour or so, don't we."
     "I'm afraid we do. Your friend Andrew is very nice. He's got a lot of people to call on in the next while. I don't think he's going to have any trouble selling his creations. I saw you talking to some people. Did they want you to do another tree?"
     "Something similar. I'm to get in touch in a few days. People seem very taken with the farm pictures, Molly. I wondered if they would grab people's attention. I think it's because they're different."
     He took her arm and they slowly made their way around the Gallery, stopping from time to time to chat with guests and Joey. He was pleased with the number of people in attendance and Dave had to laugh at his friend's relief.
     "I didn't think you needed to worry as much as you were ,Joey. You always have the best here and people are beginning to realize that. Andrew's been a big hit. Where's Jess?"
     Joey grimaced."She's entertaining Mrs. Gibson. That woman does get under my skin. I don't know how Jess manages to stand it. She wanted me to have an evening here just for her and her group. I told her "no". If her friends are anything like her, the evening would be torture."
     Jessica came toward them with a frown on her face that she managed to shed as she joined them."Oh that woman!! If being rich makes one that miserable, I can do without it." She shook her head. "What do you think of our little Gallery, Molly? Listen, Dave...... I've been watching you and it looks as though both you and Andrew have made a few contacts tonight."
     "We have, Jess. It's been a very good evening for everyone I think. Thanks for the opportunity to show off our things. I was just saying to Joey that he was worried for nothing."
     Jessica hooked her arm through Joey's and looked up at the man fondly. "Well..... it just wouldn't be right if he wasn't worrying about something. He'll never get used to the idea that he's a success, and part of that is due to you, Dave. Your paintings were his first sales and he hasn't looked back.Funny how things work out isn't it?"
     "You have no idea." Dave laughed. "Do you remember the police officer who got me started on serious painting, Joey? Well...... you'll never guess, but Molly is his grandaughter."
     "Seriously!!!?? Gee, Molly. Do you know..... I have no idea where Dave or I would have ended up if it hadn't been for Officer McCabe. He got Dave out of a tight spot and Dave got me out. We'll be ever grateful to him."
     "He's gone now." Molly told him. "My brother has his old office and is trying to help kids out in turn."
     "I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather, Molly, but am glad that his tradition is going on. He did good work."
     People were starting to leave and Joey and Jessica went off to attend the door, leaving Dave and Molly to wander around a bit. They ended up chatting to Andrew for a while, and found him a little more at ease with the fact that his glass creations had been such a success. All the things in the display case had a tiny discrete "Sold" sign on them in the Gallery colors of dark green with gilt lettering. Molly looked around and saw that all of Dave's pictures were similarly marked as well as many of the other things in the Gallery. A loud voice drew their attention and they turned to find Mrs. Gibson bearing down on them.
     "Oh Mr. Addison. David...... I may call you David?......your little farm scenes are delightful. So quaint...... however did you come up with such an interesting concept?" She took Dave by the arm, totally ignoring Molly, who had stepped back quickly to avoid bumping into the woman, and practically dragged him toward the wall where his pictures were hanging."I simply must have copies of these. Do you have the prints here? They would be just the thing for our summer retreat. So country...... so charming."
took a sip of her wine and almost choked as she tried not to laugh out loud at the expression on Dave's face, as he looked over his shoulder at them. Behind her, she heard Andrew muttering under his breath something about and overbearing old bat.
     "My God...... that woman is an absolute terror. I have half a mind to "loose" her name and number, Molly. I honestly don't think I can deal with her. Can you possibly imagine living with someone like that?"
     "Perhaps she isn't as bad as all that in private." Molly said. "Her husband is a sweetheart and seems to dote on her."
     "I can't imagine what he sees in her at all. If she treats the poor man the way she does everyone else, his life must be hell."
     "Well..... I don't know." Molly said thoughtfully. "I wonder sometimes if she isn't just lonely and doesn't have the skills to deal with people. I can imagine she has aquaintances rather than friends, and perhaps she thinks that if she puts on the dog, people will look up to her or something. It seems as though she just tries too hard sometimes."
     "You're just too kind, Molly. I mean the woman practically ran you over when she grabbed Dave's arm. She didn't even acknowledge that you were there."
     Molly laughed."I guess I'm just used to her, Andrew. She's a member of the Horticultural Club and I see her often enough to wonder if she's really as important as she lets on. Sometimes she even looks a little sad, sort of as though she knows she's really just on the edge of the society set she craves so much."
     "Well you think what you like Molly. I don't feel at all comfortable in her presence. I can't imagine the agony it will be when I get around to calling her about her commission. I don't suppose you'd do that for me?" Andrew sounded so hopeful that Molly couldn't help laughing out loud. She saw Dave glance around at the sound, and gave him a little moue with her mouth and laughed again as he blushed.
     "Sorry, Andrew. I really don't know the things you're capable of when it comes to this medium. Anyway....... just be firm and don't let her know you have fear. You're the boss when it comes to your own work, and don't let her railroad you into something you feel you aren't up to doing."
     Dave rejoined them with a groan. "I don't know how many times I have to tell that woman that I do not do prints of my things. She wants a whole series of my "cute little farm scenes" for her country retreat."
     "Well, I'm not looking forward to dealing with her. Your lovely Lady here thinks she is sad and lonely. I've been trying to convince her to do the "dealing with" and she says I must do it myself."
     Molly laughed at the expressions on both men's faces."Perhaps I've just had more contact with her than you have. I'm not trying to tell you that I like her, especially ...... I just feel a little sorry for someone like that. After all...... people are nice to her face and definitely not nice behind her back. That's a miserable way to go through life. How can a person ever have real friends if they treat people the way she does. I wonder if she realizes how off-putting it is. Perhaps if she had a real friend, she wouldn't behave the way she does. "
     "You're just too kind, Molly. I envy you Dave...... this is one special lady you have here."
     "Yes, she is and I do know it. Thanks Andrew. Listen Molly. I think we've put in our proper amount of time. What do you think of saying our goodbyes to Jess and Joey? I'm ready to get out of here, and there's very few folk left at any rate. Do you need help putting things away, Andrew?"
     "No thanks..... and thanks to you, Molly, for helping earlier. Don't know what I would have done without you taking notes. I think I'll just leave things up in the show case until tomorrow and deal with it all then. See you both later ...... it was real pleasure meeting you Molly."
tucked Molly's hand under his arm and they made their goodbyes to Joey and Jess at the door. He wanted to spend some time with Molly without being surrounded by people and just get used to her looking so wonderful. He hoped she didn't want to go straight home. He was pleased, therefore, when she agreed to go for a coffee, and when they were finally sitting opposite each other in a tiny coffee shop nearby, he reached across the table and took her hand in both of his.
     "You were absolutely wonderful tonight, Molly. I'm so proud of you. That was a nice thing to do for Andrew. You're beautiful, you know. Look at the people glancing over at you. They can't believe anyone could be so lovely.... and just think.......I'm the lucky one who gets to take you home."
     " Oh Dave..... it isn't me they're looking at. I can see the girls are all staring at you and wondering what on earth someone like you is doing with someone like me. I did have a good time tonight, though, and your friends are really nice. I was a little nervous at first, but Jess was so friendly that I felt as though I'd known her for ages. Imagine thinking this was something from France. That was a real compliment, especially when she looked so very elegant."
     "Jess is a really nice person. A lot of folk seem to expect her to be either a snob or stupid because she's so beautiful, but she's really just a regular person. She's perfect for Joey, and to tell the truth I've often wondered why they don't just get married, but they seem content with living in separate houses,though they are a couple. What did you think of Andrew's things?"
     "Oh, Dave, they were exquisite. I wonder what Mrs. Gibson wants him to make her. Poor Andrew is positively terrified at the thought of having to deal with her, but I think he'll be OK. She's much worse in company than she is one on one, but Andrew will have to be firm."
     Dave glanced at his watch and looked up in time to see Molly stiffle a yawn."You must be exhausted, Love. I guess I'd better get you home.It's been a long night, but I'm so proud of the way you handled Mrs. Gibson and helped Andrew."
     Molly smiled at him."It was no trouble. He's a nice young man.You're right, though.... it's been a long evening."
     The ride to Molly's was quiet. He wondered what she was thinking about, and whether it would be out of line to suggest he come in. He had never been in a relationship where he had been this unsure of himself. He hated the thought of leaving her at the front door with nothing but a polite kiss, but knew that if he went in he would take her in his arms and there was no telling if he could just kiss her and go home. When they stopped in front of Molly's little house, Dave got out to open the door for Molly. She took his hand and they walked to the verandah together.
     Molly searched in her little purse for her key, and his heart sank. "Could you come in for a minute, Dave? There's something I need help with."
     "Of course.... anything, Molly." He held the door for her and stepped in after her. Toby met them in the hall and wound around their feet in welcome. He wondered what she needed his help with this late at night.
set her purse down on the small table under the mirror, unbuttoned her jacket and took it off ,and laying it on top of her purse, reached up to take the flowered clip from her hair. She looked into the mirror and saw Dave leaning against the door jamb,watching her . Their eyes met and her lips curved in a small smile. "Help me with the pins, Dave. I need to get this braid out and Ange has used what feels like a million pins, and every one of them is poking into my head."
     She stayed facing the mirror as he came up behind her and she could feel his hands shaking as he took the pins out one by one and laid them on the table. As the last one came out she reached up to undo the tight braid.
     "Let me, Molly." he said softly. She could feel a tightening in her stomach as he pulled the braid apart gently and ran his fingers through her hair, fanning it out against her neck. He rested his hands on her shoulders and Molly leaned back against his chest, feeling him breathe and feeling his heart beat against her back. He bent his head and rested his cheek against her hair, and their eyes met in the glass. "Thanks for tonight, Dave." she whispered.
     He lifted her hair and kissed the side of her neck and she felt goosebumps all down her arms at the touch of his lips and drew in her breath in a little gasp. "Undo the zipper, Dave."
     "Molly...." His eyes met hers in the mirror and she could see the uncertainty and the question and the longing in them.
     "The zipper,Dave. Please."
     He did as she asked and she watched their reflection as he slid her dress slowly off her shoulders, bending his head to touch his mouth to her skin. He ran his hands down her arms and the dress fell around her feet in a silken puddle, leaving her standing nearly naked in her slip.As he put his arms around her, she turned in his embrace, and lifted her arms to pull his head down so she could kiss him. As their mouths met, she felt his hands tighten on her waist ,heard him groan deep in his throat and smiled to herself. She knew how he felt about her and the intensity of it had frightened her for awhile, but since the visit to the farm, where so many secrets had been revealed, she had felt a growing passion for him as well. Tonight, watching him from across the room, she had known that she would ask him to stay the night with her and she knew that he would do whatever she asked.
raised his head and looked into Molly's eyes. Oh God!! He wasn't absolutely sure that she was aware of the effect she had on him, but if he didn't go now, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from taking her right here in her front hall. He opened him mouth to say that very thing but was stopped by her fingers soft against his lips.
     "Don't say anything,Dave. I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with me tonight." He tightened his arms around her, pressing her body against his and could feel her nipples hard against his chest. The ache was constant in his groin and he couldn't remember wanting...... needing ..... a woman as badly as he needed Molly right then. If he could just hold off long enough to make this night right for her......
     He gently turned her so they were facing the mirror again and taking her hands in his, raised them til they were clasped behind his neck. He slowly slid his hands down her arms, watching her face in the mirror. Her skin was soft as velvet and she shivered as he spread his fingers and passed them one by one over her breasts. Her nipples hardened and pushed against the silk of her slip and he smiled at her in the glass. Molly caught her bottom lip in her teeth and her breathing quickened as he moved his hands down to her waist and then flat across her stomach, pressing her back against him. She moved slightly, and it was his turn to draw in his breath and she held his eyes in the mirror and smiled.
     "Your hands feel good, Dave. I love it when you touch me." Her voice trembled a bit and she gasped as he cupped her breasts with his hands, rubbing his thumbs across her nipples. Her hands tightened at his neck as though she needed the support to stand. He bent his head, resting one cheek on her hair, closed his eyes, and slid his hands down across her stomach again and lower, feeling her heat. Her stockings felt silky against his fingers and he drew his hands up her legs raising the hem of her slip. He was suprised when his fingers touched skin, and glanced into the mirror to find that her stocking were held up by some sort of elastisized bands and were not in fact panty hose as he had thought. Her skin was like the silk itself and he smoothed his fingers over the insides of her thighs, and felt her quivering under his touch. As he drew his hands higher, he felt heat and dampness and his eyes flew open in shock as he realized that Molly was not wearing anything under her slip.
     "Oh God, Molly!!! Do you mean to tell me that all evening you had nothing on under that dress??"
     He heard her giggle a bit, and taking her hands from his neck, she turned to face him. "What would you have done if you'd known?"
     "We'd have never stayed as long as we did and no way have gone for a coffee. Hell....... we'd probably never have gone in the first place."
     "What..... and never given me a chance to wear the dress and meet your friends?" She was teasing him and he knew it. In fact she had been teasing him all evening with her little blown kisses.
     "You're a witch, Molly. And here I had you pegged for a shy little thing."
     "Oh I am, Dave. You bring out something that I didn't know was there. You don't mind about the underwear do you?" She looked into his eyes with a worried expression on her face.
     He bent his head and covered her mouth with his in a long and sensual kiss, holding her tightly against him. When they came up for air, he laughed. "I think it's sexy as hell, Molly." He reached down and picked her up with ease and carried her to the living room, where he laid her on the couch and knelt beside her. "I want to touch you, Molly. I want you so badly I can hardly stand it, and I want you to want me the same way."
swung her legs off the couch and sitting up, ran her fingers over his face. She felt the roughness on his chin and shivered at the thought of that roughness against her skin. She reached out and slowly undid the buttons on his shirt, sliding her hands inside against his chest. He sucked in a breath when she gently ran her nails down across his own nipples and his hands tightened on her thighs. His touch was like fire on her bare skin and she shivered again.
     "Are you cold, Molly?" his voice was husky with emotion.
     "No." She stood up evading his hands as he reached for her."Not here, Dave. Come upstairs."
     She took his hand and flicked off the hall light on the way past. Dave stumbled a bit on the stairs, as Toby shot past them, and Molly's hand tightened on his. Moonlight lit her bedroom in a soft glow; enough to see without turning on a light, and she turned at the side of the bed, and sat down.
     "Just stand there, Dave and let me look at you."
     She fumbled a bit with the cuff buttons, but managed to get them undone without help,and drew his shirt off, tossing it onto the nearby chair. She reached up and ran her hands down his chest feeling the hair softly curling under her fingers. Tracing the dark line down, she ended at his belt and slowly undid the buckle and zipper. She felt Dave's hands push her hair back from her neck and his mouth hot on her skin. She pushed his pants down, feeling his leg muscles tremble under her touch, and he stepped aside kicking the pants behind him. His underware bulged in front and Molly smiled to herself as she ran her open palms down, feeling him jump under her touch.
     She wondered at his self control.... knowing that he wanted her and felt her abdomen tighten as the thought of his hardness inside her. She wondered how long she could go on teasing before he gave in and let his emotions and need take over. Molly could feel him trembling and his breath hissed between clenched teeth. She eased his underwear over the hardness and down, tossing them aside as he stepped out. She gasped as she took him in her hands, feeling him throbbing under her fingers and the hard softness damp to her touch. His hands tightened almost painfully on her shoulders as he pulled her to her feet and crushed her against his body.
couldn't stand it any longer. He could barely stand up for the shaking in his legs. Molly's fingers were making him crazy with the need of feeling her body under him. He drew her up and pressed her tightly against him. The thin silk of her slip plastered itself around his wet shaft and he groaned as he tried not to come right there.
     "Christ, Molly. Don't move. Just, please, don't move." He tried to breath without gasping for air and slowly got himself back under control. Sort of. He knew that if she rubbed against him even slightly, there would be no holding back. The touch was exquisite... almost painful... and he never wanted it to stop... but if it didn't, he would loose control altogether.
     When he thought he could manage to move without embarrassing himself, he let go and pushed Molly back a bit, and looking down into her upturned face he smiled.
     "Now it's my turn, Molly. You've played as long as I can stand it."
     Slowly, slowly, he slid the straps of her slip off her shoulders and down her arms. He sat on the bed in her place and drew her between his knees. Her breasts fit so neatly into his hands, and her nipples hardened as leaning forward, he ran his tongue over the soft nubs. She gasped and dug her fingers into his shoulders. Her skin was smooth and soft under his touch and he gripped her waist pulling her closer as he lightly licked first one nipple and then the other, pulling each one into his mouth and rolling it around with his tongue. She moaned and tried to press closer, but he held her away, and laughed.
     "Now you know how I felt." He chuckled and ran his hands down her hips, feeling her quiver. She took a handful of his hair pulling his head back and leaning over put her mouth on his, biting gently on his lower lip. He pressed his tongue against her lips and she opened her mouth to him. Hot and sweet and his tongue met hers and he forgot to touch her as he explored her mouth.
     He came up for air and moved one hand around to cup her buttocks as he slid the other down her stomach and lightly across her mound, feeling her heat and dampness. He heard her suck in her breath and felt her press against his hand. He felt her push against his shoulders and fell back on the bed bringing her with him.
fell onto the bed cushioned by his body and in a blink he had rolled over and was kneeling above her. His face in the moonlight was all shadows, but she could see the desire in his eyes and knew that she wouldn't keep him waiting. Almost without thinking, she spread her legs and he repositioned himself between her knees. She arched her back, desparate to feel him.
     "Please, Dave...... I want you in me. I need to feel you in me." She gasped as she felt him hard between her legs, but knew that she couldn't wait and pressed against him. She reached down to guide him and as she took him in her hand he groaned. He bent forward and covered her mouth with his as he entered her. Dimly she knew he was trying to be gentle and that it wasn't what she needed just then. She arched her back bringing his hardness into her, and as she felt him fill her, she cried out. He pulled out slowly and she wrapped her arms around him to prevent that, once again rising up against him.
     Molly felt him plunge into her and knew she was going to come almost at once. Her muscles tensed and she strained to take him in as deep as she could. She heard Dave cry out through a ringing in her ears, and as he drove in once more she felt the spasms begin and felt him move inside her and the heat he spilled as he came with her. She felt his weight on her as his arms gave way and she wrapped hers around him tightly so he couldn't move away. She lay quietly, feeling his heart hammering against her breasts and knew that her's was doing the same thing. He was breathing fast in her ear and she giggled a bit as it tickled her. She thought her body had turned to mush, and could't feel much other than the hardness of him still inside. She felt tears on her face and hoped he wouldn't notice, knowing they were tears of joy. She had never felt so complete as she did right at that moment and she didn't want it to end. She didn't want it to ever end.
was horrified that everything had happened so fast. He'd had no control at all and was ashamed of himself. When he heard Molly giggle, he felt himself go red with embarrassment. Gees........ what could she possibly be thinking!!! Her arms were clasped around him hard and he couldn't pull back. Instead he rolled to one side still joined to her and tried to look into her face. He saw tears glint on her cheeks and was mortified.
    "Oh God, Molly...... I'm so sorry. I gave you no time. Did I hurt you?" He lifted a finger and gently touched her face, wiping a tear. He saw the glimmer of a smile and looked deep into her eyes.
    "I didn't mean for it to go so fast. I wanted this to be special for you. I'm so very sorry."
     Her answering giggle surprised him. " You didn't hurry me any more than I did you, Dave. Oh you are wonderful. I've never felt so special. It's early yet, you know. We've got the rest of the night to figure out how to make it last for us both."