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The God of the Witches____Dr. Margaret Murray...1952

ARADIA/Gospel of the Witches___Charles Godfrey Leyland..1899 printing
The Alex Sanders Lectures.Alex Sanders.1984 printing

Witchcraft at Salem-----Chadwick Hansen---1969 1st edition

Magickal Formulary...Herman Slater...1981 print
Magickal Formulary "SPELLBOOK".Herman Slater.1981
Book of Pagan Rituals...Herman Slater...1978 print

Crones Book of Magical Words.Valerie Worth...1971
Book of Legendary Spells....Elbee Wright...1968 print
HandBook of the BLACKARTS....J.W.Wickwar...reprint of 1925 ..this edition is 1996

Ancient & Modern Witchcraft__Ray Buckland...1970 Hard & Soft Cover
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft___Raymond Buckland...1997
Doors To Otherworlds___Raymond Buckland...1998
WITCHCRAFT from the Inside___Raymond Buckland...1975

WICCA A Guide for The Solitary Practitionary___Scott Cunningham...2000 printing

Whispers of the Moon..The Life and Work of Scott Cunningham ___David Harrigton & deTraci Regula ...1997 printing
The Truth About WITCHCRAFT TODAY----Scott Cunningham./1992

WITTA Pagan/ Irish Tradition...McCoy/2000

An ABC of WITCHCRAFT Past and Present___Doreen Valiente...Hard back..1973
WITCHCRAFT for TOMORROW...Doreen Valente.....1978 print

What Witches Do...Stewart Farrar....1983.print
The Witches Bible___Janet & Stewart Farrar..printing 1981
The Life and Times of a Modern Witch___Janet&Stewart Farrar ..printing 1988
Witch GODDESS.. Farrar

WICCA A to Z___Gernia Dunwich..printing 1997

WICCA The Ancient Way.Janus-Mithras,Nuit-Hilaria,Mer-Amun .1994

The Complete ART of WITCHCRAFT___Sybil Leek..printing 1971

The HISTORY of WITCHCRAFT___Montague Summers ..printing 1956
Uncover Your Past Lives___Ted Andrews...1992.Llewellyns Publishers

WITCHCRAFT its power in the world Today___William Seabrook 1940

WITCHCRAFT: The Sixth Sense___Justine Glass..printing 1965

WITCHCRAFT Fact Book___Edmund M. Buczynski..printing 1984

WITCHCRAFT,Magic,Occultism___W.B.Crow..printing 1968>

Beginning True Magick___Amber K..printing 1985
Embracing The Moon_Yasmine Galenorn.1999
Three Magic Words___U.S.Andersen..printing 1954

Magick for Beginners___J.H.Brennan..printing 1998(cover missing)
Ritual Magic___Donald Tyson...1995.printing

To Stir A Magick Cauldron ____Silver Ravenwolf....1996.
To Ride a Silver Broomstick____Silver Ravenwolf....1997.
To Light a Sacred Flame____Silver Ravenwolf....2000.
TEEN WITCH___Silver Ravenwolf....2000.

HIGH MAGIC___Francis King & Stephen Skinner....1976 printing

Back To Eden ..Herbs___Jethro Kloss..printing 1946

Dreamers Dictonary___Lady Steam Robinson & Tom Corbett..printing 1975

ESP___Harold Sherman..printing 1964

LOVESIGNS___Linda Goodman..printing 1975


Great Tales and Poems______Edgar Allan Poe

The Worst Witch __Jill Murphy...1974

The Jolly Witch____Robert Burch...1975

My Sister The Witch__Ellen Conford....1995
Tilly Witch__Don Freeman...1969
Space Witch___Don Freeman..1969
The Witch and The Flying Saucer __James Stevenson....1975**this book comes with a 8" 33 1/3 record**

Wyccad__ Steven Rimmer
Coven__ Steven Rimmer

The science of Healing ,Ancient & Present___Sandu Balwant S. Grewal..printing 1976

Reflexology___Dr. Maybelle Segal..printing 1976

Live and Be Free thru Psycho-Cybernetics___Charles Schriber & Maxwell Maltz..printing 1975


the Complete Idiots Guide to Wicca & Witchcraft.....Denise Zimmermann & Katherine A Gleason....2000.print...PLEASE NOTE THIS BOOK AS SILLY AS IT MAY SEEM IT IS A EXCELLENT BOOK!!!!


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