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The Pentagram is a symbol of the ability to bring the Spirit to Earth to make us whole, and as a sign of re-emerging enlightenment.
The Pentacle is layered in symbolism, and is used by some as a talisman for protection, for divine life, and good health. The five pointed symbol occurs throughout history in use by others besides Pagans. Jews used it to designate Pentateauch, the five books of Moses. It has also appeared in church architecture, representing for Christians the five wounds of Christ.
The five-pointed stars symbolism also ties to that of the apple, which cut cross-wise forms a pentagram. The five points represent ideas, sustenance, life, secret knowledge, hidden mysteries within the earth. The apple has been a sacred symbol of knowledge and eternal life - a sign that the universe and ourselves are One, allowing us to tap into the Universal energy to achieve bliss and wholeness. (Certain religons designated sacred knowledge as the right of only One Diety, and the apple came to symbolize things that we should not attempt to know, or forbidden knowledge.)

The Pentagram is the symbol as drawn or written. A Pentacle is the round disk inscribed with the Pentagram (as in jewelry). Air - intelligence and the arts Earth - stability and physical endurance Fire - courage and daring Spirit - the All and the Divine Water - emotions and intuition

Some other meanings associated with the Pentagram are:
The five points are the four directions, with the fifth representing the sanctity of Spirit within and without.
The five points also stand for the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, controlled by the spirit.
Upright, the Pentagram represents redemption of the Spirit from matter by ruling over it.
Inverted, the Pentagram symbolizes Spirit submerged and bonded into the material elements.
Traditionally, some groups used an inverted Pentagram to denote a specific status..... However, due to negative associations, many have since changed to triangle symbols for the same purpose.
The circle around the star symbolize unity and wholeness, and the Quest for Divine Knowledge. It also refracts and reflects all light, bringing to the wearer total intelligence, universal wisdom, and protection.

A five pointed star in a circle can be seen as force or power contained and controlled by divine wisdom - energy is focused and directed.
To some it represents feminine energy and may be sued to bind elemental spirits of the earth.
In the Middle Ages, magicians considered the Pentagram more powerful than the cross.
Wherever the Pentacle was displayed evil had no power. As an interlaced single line is, considered to be spiritually protective as a "gateless" symbol.
Therefore no evil or undesired energy can enter into the circle of the pattern.

When made from silver, the Pentacle represents moon energy and psychic forces. When crafted from gold, it signifies the sun energies of power and strength.
The Pentagram can symbolize the ruling of higher mind over the lower elements of our being. It marks the awakening of Cosmic consciousness, the beginnings of human psyche moving beyond the realms of physical form and perceptions limited to the five senses.
Through the Spirit ruling over the five elements it allows infinite possibilities that exist within the Universe and frees us to explore and grow.
Witchvox www.witchvox.com
Ancient Circles www.ancientcircles.com
Dictionary of Symbolism Hans Biedermann Meridian Publishing, 1992
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects Barbara G. Walker HarperSanFrancisco, 1988


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