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Nine Basic Components of Wiccan Ritual
1) Purification of Self
2) Purification of Space
3) Creating Sacred Space
4) Invocation
5) Ritual Observance ( Sabbats or Esbats)
6) Energy Raising
7) Earthing the Power
8) Thanking the Goddess & God
9) Breaking the Circle

1) Purification of Self...This is a time for purification, an attempt to get rid of the negative thoughts and forces. Also includes a cleansing Bath or shower..this is a time to free ourselves of negativity When purifying yourself also remember purify your thoughts.

2) Purification of Space.....This is cleaning the Ritual area of negativity " astral Garbage " per say. Negative energies INDOOR-Clean the area physically wash or vacuum. Then using the the old Witches tool, your Besom, not necessarily touch the surface but sweep out the negativity and all the Astral garbage. Visualize and know the Besom is magically cleansing the area. OUTDOORS-this requires a minimal of cleansing, the area is less likely to be cluttered with Astral Garbage, You can use your Besom to clear away the actual leaves, pebbles and derbies.
** also cleansing herbs or incense can be used or salt. not recommended using salt outdoors as it may harm plants** e.g. herbs or incense Dragons Blood, Thyme, Rosemary, Copal

3)Creating Sacred Space... Is casting of your Circle for the use in this ritual..Remember when inviting Goddess God and you are inviting to attend to par-take in this special event, no one wants to be demanded to attend !

4)Invocation... The word Invocation shouldn't be taken too literally. This usually refers to a spoken word prayer or verse Practice invoking the Goddess and God, not only in ritual but daily throughout your life. Remember Wiccan is a way of life....When you invoke do not so only to the higher forces but also the deities that dwell within..The powers behind all deities are one. Call the Goddess & God with *sincerity* & *love* and your rituals should be Blessedly successful.

5)Ritual Observance......This is the ritual for which you are doing this day. re Mabon, Spring Equinox, Samhain, etc. Also sometimes you do this for magical workings or just the serenity of peace.

6)Energy Raising ....Is the positive level of self that you have brought along with the deities and their presence. It is also the working of Magick. When working Magick make sure your needs are real and pure. And that you are emotionally involved. Energy can be raised through dance, meditation or song.

7)Earthing the Power..aka Cakes & Ale.. this is done to to ease us back from the ecstasy of the ritual performed ..or just to kick back and relax from the evenings event. When you do this, also remember to feed Mother earth. crush a small amount and give it back to mother Earth. Also a few drops of the ale or wine are to be given.

8)Thanking the Goddess & Gods......Some wiccans think of this as dismissing the deities. I shudder at the thought that you would think of yourself telling the Goddess & God * they can leave now* Remember Thank them for attention and ask that They come again. Thats it.

9)Breaking of the Circle.....This is just the closing of your sacred space or Circle ...

These ideas are based on materials we have read by Scott Cunningham and wish to share with you.

Blessed Be ...LadyOz and Tywyllwch


Thank You